Ok, after sleeping on it I've decided what the hell.. so here goes...
I hope it helps people on here.
Aug 09
Oct 09
Nov 09
Dec 09
I take the photo at the end of each month so no Jan yet. I had no idea that I looked that big in Aug. I knew I needed to loose weight but was still playing badminton and other activities.
Welcome any thoughts/comments.
Ok, here's January, sorry about the beard, I'll be shaving in the morning!
Update as promised (if a little late...) My camera decided to die on me so I had to use a different one (and rest it on a chair to keep it still lol) but here's February's picture. I can't see much change in the body from Jan but I think my face is thinner.
Updated Progress:
25st 12lbs - 31.8.09
25st 1lbs - 7.9.09
24st 9lbs - 14.9.09
24st 5lbs - 21.9.09
24st 0lbs - 28.9.09
24st 0lbs - 5.10.09
23st 8lbs - 12.10.09
23st 8lbs - 19.10.09
23st 3lbs - 26.10.09
22st 13lbs - 2.11.09
22st 10lbs - 9.11.09
22st 6lbs - 16.11.09
22st 6lbs - 23.11.09
22st 3lbs - 30.11.09
21st 12lbs - 7.12.09
21st 10lbs - 14.12.09
21st 5lbs - 21.12.09
21st 1lbs - 28.12.09
21st 2lbs - 4.1.10
20st 13lbs - 11.1.10
20st 11lbs - 18.1.10
20st 5lbs - 25.1.10
20st 4lbs - 1.2.10
20st 1lbs - 8.2.10
19st 12lbs - 15.2.10
19st 11lbs - 22.2.10
19st 7lbs - 1.3.10
It's not a done deal with Wolves yet. It's looking better though, fingers crossed
Ok, hot off the press... here's March! I reckon I'm looking normal now lol. 3 more stone to go (I've added an extra stone of weight loss to my target).
I'm not slacking at all but I've found the weight becomes harder to shift the closer I get to my goal. I'm behind schedule by 6lbs but not deterred. Here's my pics for April.
It's that time again. The beard was fun but I found myself stroking it whilst thinking which probably isn't a good look (as I'm not a grand master of some ancient martial art). I still look scruffy though lol. My weight loss is continuing, slow and steady. The target is to have completed the final 2st by September; meaning a total loss of 10st in 12 months.
Here's my picture for May ;-)
It's June time .
Not much visible change this month. I think maybe my face looks a bit thinner in the frontal view. It doesn't help that my clothes have started morphing from a wet suit to a tent lol.
A recent pic taken of me with my friend’s DSLR camera. The picture quality is so much better than my camera. I think it might be time to upgrade! The one below came out well so thought I’d post it up. Makes a change from seeing me in my football kit too lol.
At this point, I have 18lbs to go before I reach the finish line.