Thanks Kira,
You do great with maintenance and are always very very focused but you always have been
A little less bloated today and certainly no stomach pains like yesterday which is a bonus,
I'm struggling with Water but have been out shopping and to the pictures today with my two granddaughters so I tend not to drink a lot whilst I'm out.
Spotted some wet look / coated jeans in HM and could kick myself I didn't blooming get them :-(
No weigh in today as the little ones stayed over last night and I would never weigh in front if them or drawer attention to my " strange " plan etc
My daughter is having her 3rd girl, we had the gender scan yesterday and I am thrilled as my other daughter had a boy this year so it will be nice to have one if each as babies if that makes sense.
I'm back at work tomorrow after 12 days annual leave, it's always manic this week so dreading it but I'm all sorted for Xmas or as sorted as I can be.
Will defrost the turkey later, prep the pugs in blankets tue, last grocery delivery also tue and I will be at our local supermarket 7am on Xmas Eve for fresh buns for Boxing Day, we have 20 guests Boxing Day so I'm going to do sliced beef in the slow cooker for beef & gravy baps
I may have a bit turkey or I may go off the rails, I'm still not 100% sure yet. Thankfully I still have 21 days until my next official weigh in so I'm not worried at all at the moment as my initial goal was to get there and still be in the 13's, in reality I now want a small loss.
Not a lot else to report, a few cravings again today but obviously I knocked myself out of Ketosis in Amsterdam so it's normal to feel like this and I know I will soon be back in it.
Hope everyone has had a nice weekend