Happy new year one and all
Here's to a fab slimmer year ahead for all of us !
Tomorrow is the start of my 95 day challenge . . . . . 95 days until our next holiday to The Dominican, all being well I should be at goal by then.
Small pocket diet diary, with my countdown from 95 to our holiday, I will use green dots on the 100% days and the red dots for the planned off days . . . .
Me being me I do have a few things planned in the next 95 days but I know from Dec that I can do this, I know I can have a off plan day and get straight back on it.
I will of course be back to posting more now the festivities are over. I've had a blast and not put on too much weight, my next official weigh in is Jan 10th so I will be happy if I'm back to 13.12 which I was at the start of Dec. With all of the off p,an days and nights that I've had I will be very very happy with that as I'm still around 3 st lighter than before I started !
New Years selfie

We have a afternoon gathering in a local village ( Tynemouth ) so it's quite relaxed although still lots of prossecco & Gin
Mother in law even managed to pay me a few rather nice compliments
Im at work tomorrow for one day ahead of a week off. I have bottles of water ready, jars of coffee stocked up, green tea, peppermint and of course my all important shakes ( oh and my slimatee ) my children bought me more beanies as stocking fillers and some fab new tea's, My new favourite is green tea with salted caramel.
This month I have 3 " events "
I have a work meal and drinks on 13 Jan
A overnight Edinburgh drink & food on 17 Jan
Then a girlie drunken day 31 Jan
I'm trying my best not to buy new clothes for each occasion but its so blooming hard not to be tempted ( especially when I have vouchers etc ) BUT I can't wait to start buying smaller summer stuff once they start filling the shops !
Sorry to go on again, I will catch up with you all as I'm sure this place will soon get back to normal