Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 again, 6st off but 6st on !

Morning all :)

Weighed in at work yesterday on our super scales


12.13 but mid afternoon, full uniform and TOTM has arrived ( a few days late but it's here with a vengeance )
Happy with my BP & heart rate etc

Not sure how today will go as I'm off plan tomorrow, it's my drinking day in Edinburgh, with lunch at some point etc etc

No run last night as it was raining here :-(
Certainly no run tonight with TOTM and I'm up early for tomorrow's day out.

Hope everyone is doing well :)
Blooming weather scuppering your run.

Amazing on the BP and heart rate, and the weight's not bad either considering the uniform and TOTM! Well done lovely.

I didn't feel like it, but went for my run last night and i'm so pleased that I did - non-stop running for 26 mins which was great! I must look like a right idiot, because I finished my run and had a massive grin on my face!

The weekend's almost here, and I know this one's going to be a little tough for you, so i'm sending lots of hugs.

Morning all,

Disastrous weekend, not on plan AT ALL :-(

Monday is here though so here we go again, just a week until my time away with best friend so I must reign it in before things get out of hand. Not got a clue what the scales will say as still TOTM but I'm not a quitter. I know I can do this, so many off plan events and I always manage and today shall be just the same.

Hope everyone had a better more on plan few days than I did but regardless it's a new week and a great reason to get back into it :)

Good luck everyone x x x
Morning Angel,

Don't beat yourself up about it - I know this weekend was tough for you. Did you enjoy being off plan and had a lovely time?

I was equally pretty naughty but did do exercise over the weekend with running and cycling, so i'm feeling pretty positive this morning, despite being heavier than Saturday's WI. I'm going to be perfectly saintly today and tomorrow too - despite an evening meal for FIL's birthday. Then it's a clear run to Sunday when we're out for a friend's 30th... then it'll only be a week before HEN DO!

Let's keep each other on the straight and narrow this week - I know you can do it, and then you can enjoy your wonderful time away with your friend!


OMG 13.9 this morning :)

I was blooming 12.13 the other day :-(

Straight back on it and fingers crossed for a run tonight . . . . .
No more excuses no more wasting time ! ! !

I have a week to try and get back into the 12's, doubt I will do it but can only give it my best shot x x x


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Two words for you...Water Weight.

Get a good couple of days under your belt - i'm sure your scales will start to shift. Just remember because you're still doing SS, any variation will show a massive gain straight off, so don't panic.

Get your water down today, and stick with it - it'll be gone before you know it.

Morning all, not a perfect day but not horrendous . . . . .

Very slight drop in the scales but I know it would have been so much better had I not have slipped up ( it's only ever evenings )
I think I'm picking at work as now I'm slightly smaller people find it acceptable for me to eat where as when I was bigger I used to feel if I ate at work people would judge me. Now they actively encourage me to eat . . . . . . . .

Green tea, water and shake this morning. I Start work at 14hr and will give it another shot today, I'm far from ready to give in or give up and it will click again as it does. Fingers crossed it clicks today lol . . . .

Here's to a good one for us all, I'm going to read back through my diary this morning and remind myself of a few home truths.

I'm still TOTM so the cravings for carbs and sweet stuff drive me nuts x
I am soooooo with you Angel! Struggling massively with evenings at the moment - I thought the way to combat was to be good ALL day and enjoy an evening meal, but I was allowing myself to get too hungry which leads to picking (and we all know about pickers and their knickers!) This morning i'm trying something new - having actual breakfast before I leave the house. Not sure if it's working/worked or not - I am still feeling hungry for my usual 10.00/10.30am "breakfast" - whether this is psychological, or physiological, i'm not sure yet...

I actually find i'm much better eating in front of people - because they all know about my "crazy diet" I feel like I have to be really good. Now, this has led to bad "secret" behaviour which is something I really want/need to eradicate.

Here's to a better day today - those blooming TOTM cravings are the worst, but i'm sure you can stick with it. Not long now till your holibob, so time to power through!

Thanks as always for responding flick . . . . . .

I know we are all in it together and I'm not happy your feeling the same but it helps to know I'm not the only one if that makes sense.
I also know what I said last week still rings true, I'm self sabotaging as I know I'm going away soon.
TOTM has helped but my mind just wonders, I need to get back in the Zone, I have 6 days until the jolly with my best friend and would love to be back in the 12's, its a long shot but IF I was 100% I know I could do it. As always the only thing stopping me is myself.

Here's to a good day for us all, good luck x x x

Then to now, I've got to concentrate on how far I've come instead if letting panic set in :)

Still much better with a cover up but will brave bikini shots once I have a tan :)

100% on track so far, just over 2litre down so far ! ! !
Wow!! Ur doing fab. Well done. Evenings are my biggest downfall. That's a big challenge for me getting through the night..
Omg! Look at what you've achieved! You look so slim!
Well done!!
i have to keep sipping water to keep the evening picking at bay, because I work mornings I have to eat breakfast and lunch early, but the afternoons and evenings are easier with my shake/bar snack when I get in at half 4/5 then I have my meal at about 7/8 and it stops me picking :)
Morning all,

Thanks for the kind words ( Kat blushes )

Thankfully I managed just about 100% yesterday :)

TOTM on it's way out and cravings most certainly subsiding !
Scales are a lot better this morning, Monday was 13.9 ( which was a huge gain from my 12.11 & 12.13 last week )

Today they are at 13.2


Fingers crossed that's enough to help me realise the 12's can be mine again if I just stick to plan :)

Ketosis is a marvellous thing once we are in it lol

I have 5 days until I go away with my best friend so am praying for no more slip ups between now & then.

Lots of water, green tea and repeat all day long.

Fingers crossed it's a good one for all of us :)
Just me again. . . .

Just posting on Flicks diary and it got me thinking ,

It's taken me since 2012 to get back to where I am. I'm still not at goal, and ideally would like another 2st off BUT my approach has been much more relaxed.
I know I could have been at goal had I not have had so many Jollys and breaks away etc BUT I also know in my heart I will always battle with my weight, it's to me a personality disorder / addiction.

I find myself like most if us wanting food even when not hungry, the desire builds up and I binge on " crap " sometimes I eat excessive amounts other times I have a " decent " meal and feel perfectly happy but most if the time it's a emotional need and certainly not hunger.

I still have 5 days away with my best friend next week, we will be eating & most certainly drinking in excess but will have a little exercise thrown in to try and counteract a little if the over indulgence.

I then have one week at home before our holiday to a The Dominican so I need to make the most if that week and pull it back to ensure I'm in the 12's for my holiday.

My goal after that is to get straight back on plan SS for a while ( until my next planned break )
I have lots of fab things going on in the summer but have a family holiday in Sept and will be in the 10's by then ! ! ! !

The Cambridge convention is Nov and myself and best friend would both love to be there.
So like I say I'm here for the long haul,

God knows what I will do when it comes to the steps, my mind changed every single day :)

I'm aware I'm rambling but my point was it's taken from 2012 so if it takes a few month longer it's certainly not the end if the world :)
I'm a waffling waffler too today Angel, and we know how I love a good waffle!

AMAZING WELL DONE on your 100% day, and the scale movement! You're SOOO going to be seeing those 12s again before your week away.

There are so many things that you say that ring true to me too. Eating completely mindlessly and stuffing my face regardless is something that I still, and think I always will struggle with. Throughout ketosis, I thought i'd conquered these sorts of things by thinking about them and addressing them, but realise that they are still there. I am much more aware after a binge now, which i'm not sure whether it's a good or a bad thing, and I am hoping with practice, and with time, I can overcome this "habit."

My mind changes on a daily basis with what i'm going to do too, and i'm supposedly "working through the steps!" In actual fact, I think i'm using them as a basis now, but kind of doing my own thing with it (hence the panic and personal trainer ideas.) I think for me, ultimately, it will be a balance - doing exercise to burn excess calories and then allowing myself that bit of leighway...of course this would be much easier if I was at target doing it, not a zillion pounds heavier, but that's my own fault for not getting my backside in gear sooner.

Whatever you decide to do, I know you'll be fab. You know the downfalls of coming off SS from last time, so I really think that this will help you when it comes to "life after SS."

Morning all,

Thanks for the kind words ( Kat blushes )

Thankfully I managed just about 100% yesterday :)

TOTM on it's way out and cravings most certainly subsiding !
Scales are a lot better this morning, Monday was 13.9 ( which was a huge gain from my 12.11 & 12.13 last week )

Today they are at 13.2

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Fingers crossed that's enough to help me realise the 12's can be mine again if I just stick to plan :)

Ketosis is a marvellous thing once we are in it lol

I have 5 days until I go away with my best friend so am praying for no more slip ups between now & then.

Lots of water, green tea and repeat all day long.

Fingers crossed it's a good one for all of us :)

Amazing Kat you always pull it back :) well done.

Im back on it tomorrow x
Just a quick one,

Still here
Still plodding on :)

Away tomorrow until Friday,
Inverness & Edinburgh, lots if food and lots if drinks so I dread to think what the results will be at the weekend :-(

I then have a clear 11 day stretch to pull it back ahead if my holiday to The Dominican :)
Praying to be in the 12's but doubtful after this week.

Hope everyone is doing ok and still plucking away at it :)

Catch you all at the weekend :)