Another day over!! Day 6 and I am definitely in ketosis according to the sticks. After reading your threads last night I realised I had psyllium husks on the cupboard so took two before bed. Not sure I took enough water with them though as I'm still suffering. It is my weigh in today which I'm kind of looking forward to except each boob weighs at lease a 1lb each due to pmt and they are killing me so not expecting great things but at least next weeks should be more impressive. Best of luck to everyone today. I imagine Saturdays can be great as you can organise things to distract yourself more or if they are anything like mine typically they can be a nightmare. Our family life revolves around meeting at the dinner table so I do 2 sometimes 3 course meals on a weekend with wine of course so this is a whole new ball park for me. I have a family party this afternoon where food and drink will be flowing but I'm hoping that with ketosis comes a less of a challenge. I'll take my Perrier and drink it out of a wine glass I might even add ice lol. Here's to a skinny new day xxx