Good morning girls! How u all doing?
Jester.. I know what u mean, I don't know any other Amanda's either lol! Girls night out at Xmas sounds great... There'll be nothing left of us

good luck with the tattoo... Haven't got any but always wanted a little one somewhere.. May when I'm finished LT
Wendy.. What's a PT? Physio or something?? Good luck with it whatever it is though..
Yorkshire.. Just think D5 is no different to any of the other days which you've been fine with .. So just fill up on peppermint tea or coffee between shakes if u get hungry! I'm only a day ahead of u.. You're not going to fail.. Remember how I was on my 2nd Day 3 ... But it went fine

Girls I woke up at 05.40 this morn, hungry so I brushed my teeth & tongue lol and got a cup of peppermint tea.. Took hunger away & an hour later after watching TV on my mobile in bed.. I fell back to sleep! Just woke up now.. Feeling a little hungry gonna have my 1st shake soon..
Remember if anyone has a weak moment/hour like I did yesterday then come on here straight away.. I'll chat with u.. I'm in work until 8.30 but I always check regularly.. Like we've said.. This is a lifeline sometimes I know it was for me yesterday.. So I'm here to help too!
Time for an LT macchiato ( my nickname for vanilla, fibre clear & coffee)
Sorry to gross everyone out actually but anyone else having trouble going to the toilet on this thing..I haven't been since I started & getting a little worried??