Welcome Yorshire..
Well you're more experienced than me as u lasted 5 days 1st time and I only lasted 3 which was about 3 days ago but to be honest .. I think we gave up for similar reasons! I totally felt deprived & sorry for myself & I wasn't even hungry on the eve I gave up! I was bored & really just totally messed up out if habit.. I have to say I have really observed how little food the body does need and how most of us eat ridiculously far too much food. There have been times when I've wondered how I wasn't any bigger lol

as for tips.. I'm not sure I have any great ones other than chucking toothbrush & paste in bag cis I've noticed the bad breath or even more so for myself the bad taste is more destructing than the hunger sometimes. Brushing totally takes it away for little while.. Actually, must start using the strips the chemist gave me.. There still in my LT bag.
It's my day 4 today girls and really nervous I will fall off as I did on day 3 first time round! It's 09.20 and I'm just about to get up as I'm in work later today.. I specifically chose to go in late as a distraction. York, (sorry all u lovely gals hope u don't mind me shortening ur names a little when typing) I sooo know what u mean re concentration at work. You're brave weighing yourself.
I have my first weigh in Sun, and just haven't bothered as I'm afraid I'll barely have lost anything & it would put me off! What shakes u having York? I am kinda looking forward to Flapjacks next wk as I think Psychologically the chewing will help me.. U know deprivation of actual food & all that! Know too what you mean re desk job.. I would sit and plog in to biscuits and pastries with big cappuccino then let it rest wherever the fat cells would have it.. As my job didn't require much movement

You'll be great am sure.. You're doing really well now & once you get past your day five you've already surpassed last time & this will be more motivation for u! Mine was yesterday. D3!!
Hopefully- best of look on ur weigh in today! I bet there'll be more than 4lb off.. You've stuck to it so well!
Was- have to say am looking forward to the flapjacks next wk! Coconut & peanut as I love both

how u feeling? What day/ wk u in now?
Okay gotta go.. As usual my posts are ridiculously long..
Am nervous about today & tomorrow girls as I feel vulnerable about falling off day 4 or 5.. Would love a little support from u guys. & just wanted to say thanks so far, this forum is definitely a lifeline for me on this diet cos no one else understands & really one has to actually be on it or have gone through it which is why I haven't told anyone I'm on it! Not a sinner.. So you are my closest support really... Thanks for listening girls & please ask if I can help with anything at all.. I check this thing regularly through day! It's great to have the support.. Have a great day girls..BE STRONG & remember how every day with this is a step closer to u looking the most amazing u have ever looked! The steps u take with LT are much bigger than with any other diet.. & if we fall off the only diet that we will want to go back on is this cos it will get us there quicker than all the others. Keynote.. The willpower & determination to stay on needs/must remain stronger than the temptation in that weak moment to gorge down burger & chips(which I could have murdered last night) lol
Look forward to hearing from all u guys...