day 1

Hi curlylocks, I'm going into my 3rd week tm, so 2nd weigh in tm, fingers crossed. The bad breath is the worse for me and nothing takes it away. I'm on maternity leave so I'm not to far from a toothbrush but literally mins later I have the horrible taste again but I keep thinking it's worth it! The first couple of weeks can be the hardest but just take one day at a time. I've got to that stage now where I don't miss food , I even make my oh's dinner and his lunch for work! Make sure your drinking your water
Thanks guys! Feel bit unstoppable now! Apparently I should expect to lose around 6 every week now! Geeze will be skinny in no time lol :)
The feeling is amazing isn't it, I wish I could bottle it up! I feel positive again today and am avoiding the flapjacks! Anybody got any thoughts on the flapjacks? Xx
That feeling will carry you from week to week now well done, agreed tne breath is bad I got some breath drops but they are sooo strong lol
I have my weigh in tommorow but not feeling it this week :(

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Thanks, just feel as though I am starting over, really hope antibiotics not done to mych damage, I still on all strawberry lol x will try with ice sounds good mmm
Good luck tomo. I am on mainly chocolate and some chicken soup. I put coffee in the choc, or peppermint tea cold or warm up the choc. That's about it! X
Hi all,
Sorry Hopefully, only saw your above post just now, thanks so much for ur support! The day at a time rule sounds good to me because it is hard not to just cave out of boredom and habit. I too have the smelly breath so have chucked one of those airline toothbrushes in my bag everywhere I go I can brush teeth and sounds gross but tongue too! You're great for making your hubby's food... I wouldn't last 2 days if I had to do that! Look forward to hearing how u get on. I weighed in at 12st13lb on Sun last! Am 5'4" so need to lose at least 2.5 st but hoping for 3:( BTW how much water u recommend? The tutorial states no more than 8 litres and other people have said 4 or 2 which is all very confusing!! I'm taking 4litres water daily which I drink no problem?? Any advice on Water guys??
Was78 why u ask about Flapjacks? I haven't had yet but looking forward to them.. As I love all any biscuit type foods.. Love the soup too!
Best of luck tomorrow Hopefully.. Bet you'll be down more than the 4
Hi curly locks. I couldn't eat the coconut ones at all but can just about stomach the peanut if I need the chewing feeing! They are just an odd taste I suppose because they're packed with vitamins and minerals. I'm giving them a miss this week and sticking to shakes and soup xx I drink about 3 litres plus decaf tea/coffee/peppermint through the day and feel good for that, everybody probs feels different but that's about right for me xxx
Thanks a million Was! Great help re the water cos I was worried I might be drinking too much but to be honest the tutorial does say no more than 8 do I think we're good to go.. Also I couldn't manage without it cos it's the only thing that takes the hunger off sometimes! Look forward to hearing how ur getting on.. Hunger city tonight I must admit day3 has been a hungry one and I can't see tomorrow being any different! Lots so hard at this stage to actually believe this is all worth it... I.e will the weight really come off in these next couple of wks even to help keep me motivated! Am starving and being honest it takes every ounce of my will power at certain times! U know the hour or 2 before your next shake is due.. It's like torture. :(( off to brush my teeth and tongue now!
Good night strong girlies..x
Hi I'm also newish (I managed 5 days once about 6 months ago but gave up just as it was getting a bit easier - because it was a Friday and I felt deprived at the end of a busy working week).

I am on day 3 now and I think I am a lot more focused this time and I also know a little of what to expect this week.

Day 4 was the hardest for me last time. I work at the top of two flights of stairs and the loo is on the bottom. I just had no energy at all on day 4 and my legs felt like lead every time I climbed.

The hunger was distracting on day 1 and at certain times on day 2 I struggled to concentrate at work so I went for a walk. The evenings I find the easiest as I can distract myself better and spend time in the bath listening to music etc.

I am 4ft 10 and used to weigh 7st 12 after 3 kids. I started this programme on 10st 3 so bmi 31. This is purely due to a desk bound job, more stress, less exercise and too much wine.

I weighed myself this morning as I am far too excited to wait for my first weigh in which I will be doing Saturday morning and I have lost 4lbs which I know is probably just water but it thrills me none the less.

I am going to buy the mint sticks and the ketosis pee strips today as reading your threads on this site suggest they help.

Any tips for getting through this first week are most definitely welcomed. I find reading all your successes very motivating and inspirational so thank you xx
I'm on day 8 and I'm full of energy! Even did the gym before work! #willpower' after the gym I feel hungry but it passes and then feel mighty! lol

I think keeping busy helps me not to crave food! Sitting in at the weekend was tough but I lost 12 lbs so worth it!

I also spend hours online looking at clothes I will buy when Iv lost it all

:) x
Welcome Yorshire..
Well you're more experienced than me as u lasted 5 days 1st time and I only lasted 3 which was about 3 days ago but to be honest .. I think we gave up for similar reasons! I totally felt deprived & sorry for myself & I wasn't even hungry on the eve I gave up! I was bored & really just totally messed up out if habit.. I have to say I have really observed how little food the body does need and how most of us eat ridiculously far too much food. There have been times when I've wondered how I wasn't any bigger lol ;) as for tips.. I'm not sure I have any great ones other than chucking toothbrush & paste in bag cis I've noticed the bad breath or even more so for myself the bad taste is more destructing than the hunger sometimes. Brushing totally takes it away for little while.. Actually, must start using the strips the chemist gave me.. There still in my LT bag.
It's my day 4 today girls and really nervous I will fall off as I did on day 3 first time round! It's 09.20 and I'm just about to get up as I'm in work later today.. I specifically chose to go in late as a distraction. York, (sorry all u lovely gals hope u don't mind me shortening ur names a little when typing) I sooo know what u mean re concentration at work. You're brave weighing yourself.
I have my first weigh in Sun, and just haven't bothered as I'm afraid I'll barely have lost anything & it would put me off! What shakes u having York? I am kinda looking forward to Flapjacks next wk as I think Psychologically the chewing will help me.. U know deprivation of actual food & all that! Know too what you mean re desk job.. I would sit and plog in to biscuits and pastries with big cappuccino then let it rest wherever the fat cells would have it.. As my job didn't require much movement :(
You'll be great am sure.. You're doing really well now & once you get past your day five you've already surpassed last time & this will be more motivation for u! Mine was yesterday. D3!!
Hopefully- best of look on ur weigh in today! I bet there'll be more than 4lb off.. You've stuck to it so well!
Was- have to say am looking forward to the flapjacks next wk! Coconut & peanut as I love both ;) how u feeling? What day/ wk u in now?
Okay gotta go.. As usual my posts are ridiculously long..
Am nervous about today & tomorrow girls as I feel vulnerable about falling off day 4 or 5.. Would love a little support from u guys. & just wanted to say thanks so far, this forum is definitely a lifeline for me on this diet cos no one else understands & really one has to actually be on it or have gone through it which is why I haven't told anyone I'm on it! Not a sinner.. So you are my closest support really... Thanks for listening girls & please ask if I can help with anything at all.. I check this thing regularly through day! It's great to have the support.. Have a great day girls..BE STRONG & remember how every day with this is a step closer to u looking the most amazing u have ever looked! The steps u take with LT are much bigger than with any other diet.. & if we fall off the only diet that we will want to go back on is this cos it will get us there quicker than all the others. Keynote.. The willpower & determination to stay on needs/must remain stronger than the temptation in that weak moment to gorge down burger & chips(which I could have murdered last night) lol
Look forward to hearing from all u guys...;)
Sorry York.. I wrote above.."Well you're more experienced than me as u lasted 5 days 1st time and I only lasted 3 which was about 3 days ago" ....,That should have read 3wks ago not 3days ago above! Stupid autocorrect..,
Had my 2nd weigh in and lost 4lbs. That's a stone in two weeks. happy days. Bring on the 3rd weigh in lol
Well done hopefully :) keep it up!

Curlylocks keep at it! Just keep at the water in work, plus all the extra walks to the bathroom burn more calories! Win win!

The roof of my mouth is a little tender, is anyone else experiencing the same thing?