Sorry was78 I'm doing this from my phone do cannot read any threads as I'm typing..
Haha no probs xSorry was78 I'm doing this from my phone do cannot read any threads as I'm typing..
Keep going people, I am on week 5!!! Its been tough but if I am still goin anybody can
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God, have u Was? Should I expect that soon? Janine I know it's hard and I'm way behind u but you've done so well just stick with it a little longer if u can.. Maybe try maintenance at worst but I think u are doing brilliantly..Keep going everybody. Just think today is nearly over and tomorrow is a new dayI just had my last shake as a hot choc with sweetener xx I've had a couple of breakouts too. I'm hoping it's just all the rubbish leaving my system
Doin ok got heartburn tonight but much more positive, she also did say that the antibiotics would have nade an impact so next weigh in shoukd be a good one , how is everyone this evening?
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Congrats to jester4 and mammyof4 on their weight lost today. The best time to dip stick is first thing in the morning curlylocks! How did u find the vanilla with coffee? The root of my mouth is okay but my lips are so tender and dry and I'm def not dehydrated with all this water.
Hi Yorkshire, I'm going into my third week and these last few days have been the easiest for me. I can now make my oh's dinner and watch him eat it and the kids. It does get easier. This is my 2nd time at this, the last being 3 years ago and I managed 10 weeks. Keep it going