Honestly Becka...if it were me, I'd stay on the plan. Only because I've heard that once you cheat or try to manipulate it or take in food, then its much much more difficult to get back on track again. Do you mind them knowing about it? I mean, if you explain that you need their support, then surely it'd be OK. I just know that if it were me, I think if I were to eat food again - that would be the beginning of the end of the diet, if you know what I mean? My pal/boss just confessed to me that she's been off track last weekend. I just can't believe that someone would spend £45 and NOT stick to it! For me, the cost kind of motivates me...I'm not wasting that money

Also - your whole weight loss journey will be stalled by it, and you'll take longer to get to goal. Don't know about you but the quicker I get there the better...
However, its horses for courses so its got to be up to you. And you know yourself.
ooooh - weigh in tomorrow. So excited. Then only one more week before I 'qualify' for Boston! haha - ridiculous really because could you imagine anywhere else where you'd go for a performance review and your boss would tell you to go on a diet for 4 weeks?? I'm so lucky to have her...
Anyway - I've been having a MADDENING 'hair caught in my throat' feeling for over a week now. It HAS to have something to do with the diet - too much dairy? too much salt? detox? I'm not sure...just trying hard to ignore it for now. What other side effects are people noticing?