Yay ! Well done on the 2lbs down. Hope its more tom morn. Don't think the sandwich will do any damage. Your cottage pie works out really well at 1.65 per portion, I think that's even less syns than my ready made quorn one and that's not even meat !Loving the sound of the honey mustard mash, will defo try that out. Good luck for tomorrow morning Mr D, hope its a fab loss, will be popping back to see how you got on !
Kay xx
Thanks Kay. You have me questioning myself now regards syns, lol.
I think as long as it stays at the 2 lb i will be happy, any more clearly would be a welcome bonus. I was exactly 171 this morning, still shy of that 170, but lets see what tomorrow brings.
Cottage pie (im not really all that good with measures, tend to do it all by eye, except for the stuff that is needing to be syned)
400g Lean mince beef
1 sliced onion
Fry lite
Fry the onion in the fry light, add the mince and brown off.
3 tsp gravy granules (3 syns)
Mixed veg (carrot, peas, butter beans, sweetcorn, broccoli)(i used frozen and added what looked to be enough)
Tbsp Marmite
Salt and pepper
Add to the mince and onions
Chopped spuds boiled until soft (approx half a kilo? Not certain, you should have a gauge of how much mash will cover the dish you are using) i left the skins on the spuds.
1 beaten egg
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
2 tbsp honey (6 syns)
Mash everything into the spuds and spread on the meat mixture. Bake in the oven for about an hour.
I tend to cook the mince with no more liquid as i like the pie to cool and set so i can portion and freeze. If you are wanting to eat straight after coking and like it to have a gravy then add 150ml of water to the mince and onions after browning off. Some will reduce as you mix and cook the granules and veg in.
I used a dish that allowed for 6 portions to be cut from it.
(Also note that i took a portion of mash for dinner today, so the honey syns are for 7 portion, in case someone does the maths.
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Spot the mistake. (its 8 portions, not 6, that's less syns per portion, 1 each)