de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Fly lady calls it body clutter!!

Today I have head clutter-no motivation, but I shall prevail !!

You CAN do this! ;)
Turned my tiredness into determination & have a clean house again. All of the Christmas things are away & the hall, stairs & landing are clean as per fly zone. My dinning room is part of the kitchen so I've decided to include it in the kitchen zone. I have put the powder room into zone 1 instead.
I guess I did a home blessing too as I've had a bit of a tidy in all rooms. Dishwasher & laundry on the go too.

To think that my house over whelmed me in September but a lot has changed now. Baby steps have worked :)

mama-bear via my new shiny phone :)
Turned my tiredness into determination & have a clean house again. All of the Christmas things are away & the hall, stairs & landing are clean as per fly zone. My dinning room is part of the kitchen so I've decided to include it in the kitchen zone. I have put the powder room into zone 1 instead.
I guess I did a home blessing too as I've had a bit of a tidy in all rooms. Dishwasher & laundry on the go too.

To think that my house over whelmed me in September but a lot has changed now. Baby steps have worked :)

mama-bear via my new shiny phone :)

Fab post! I have the "Flylady's" plan printed up and laminated -- but I really need to personalize it for this house. I will.
Fab post! I have the "Flylady's" plan printed up and laminated -- but I really need to personalize it for this house. I will.

Where did you find it Mel? All I could find online was this week & a list of monthly habits which I hope are the same this year.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
Where did you find it Mel? All I could find online was this week & a list of monthly habits which I hope are the same this year.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)

PM me your email. I'm pretty sure it's saved on my computer. I may have cobbled them together from her website.
Oooh this is definitely the thread for me! I just have to join in as I really do believe in the clean house clear mind thing. And I totally agree that the state of our home has an effect on our eating habits.

I used to be in a permanent state of clutter, I had a reputation among my closest friends for being a hoarder and living in a one bed flat with no storage it was all there for all to see! We moved in here 6 years ago and we would put things on the lounge floor and not move them. We would then add to what was there and before long we had just a path through the lounge amongst the clutter! Our bedroom has always been much the same. It became normal and although it was depressing, that also became normal! We only allowed visitors who were close friends or family as it would be embarrassing to allow anyone else into the flat.

Then this time 2 years ago the flat upstairs developed a leak into our lounge. The owner dragged his heels, ignored us, and made false promises of fixing the leak and eventually we had to set environmental health onto him who threatened him with court action if he didn't fix it. So, after 3 months of a constant lounge-shower we were dry again but the whole room was devastated and needed a complete redecoration. We took our time and whilst waiting for the leak to be fixed we'd sorted most of our clutter and got rid of loads of stuff. When we redecorated we found ourselves with a room to be proud of and a lounge how a lounge should be! It would look so out of place to put anything in here that's not supposed to be here and I find myself getting a little stressed if it's not tidy and looking nice (like now in the Christmas aftermath!). I love this room and we welcome any visitors now and entertain sometimes. Things we never used to be able to do. It's a mood lifter to see a nice room all tidy and in order.

So that left the bedroom! As we only have a small place our bedroom doubles up as a store room so we have some odd bits of furniture and huge piles of 'stuff' being stored. We decided last week that we really have had enough of the bedroom as it is, it's a room we endure rather than enjoy. We desperately need a new bed anyway so we've decided to bite the bullet and sort it all out. So far a whole car load has gone to the charity shop, we have 3 bin bags to take to the tip (our bin is overflowing til collection next week) and yesterday I did a wardrobe sort and 2 more bin liners are ready to go to charity! The room looks in chaos as we are having a mammoth sort out but its a progress chaos which is good! We can actually see carpet now and move around the room easier. And we can visualise the end result and know that it will soon be as we want it :D

The feeling of achieving something, anything, will always make you feel good. To clean your environment and be able to look at that achievement over and over will keep that good feeling going
Welome Taz !! I hear exactly what you're saying. Our house seems to have a policy of things ' live where it lands' and it drives me nuts. Slowly working my way thru the chaos and I will get there-either that or evct the rest of the family !!
Oooh this is definitely the thread for me! I just have to join in as I really do believe in the clean house clear mind thing. And I totally agree that the state of our home has an effect on our eating habits.

I used to be in a permanent state of clutter, I had a reputation among my closest friends for being a hoarder and living in a one bed flat with no storage it was all there for all to see! We moved in here 6 years ago and we would put things on the lounge floor and not move them. We would then add to what was there and before long we had just a path through the lounge amongst the clutter! Our bedroom has always been much the same. It became normal and although it was depressing, that also became normal! We only allowed visitors who were close friends or family as it would be embarrassing to allow anyone else into the flat.

Then this time 2 years ago the flat upstairs developed a leak into our lounge. The owner dragged his heels, ignored us, and made false promises of fixing the leak and eventually we had to set environmental health onto him who threatened him with court action if he didn't fix it. So, after 3 months of a constant lounge-shower we were dry again but the whole room was devastated and needed a complete redecoration. We took our time and whilst waiting for the leak to be fixed we'd sorted most of our clutter and got rid of loads of stuff. When we redecorated we found ourselves with a room to be proud of and a lounge how a lounge should be! It would look so out of place to put anything in here that's not supposed to be here and I find myself getting a little stressed if it's not tidy and looking nice (like now in the Christmas aftermath!). I love this room and we welcome any visitors now and entertain sometimes. Things we never used to be able to do. It's a mood lifter to see a nice room all tidy and in order.

So that left the bedroom! As we only have a small place our bedroom doubles up as a store room so we have some odd bits of furniture and huge piles of 'stuff' being stored. We decided last week that we really have had enough of the bedroom as it is, it's a room we endure rather than enjoy. We desperately need a new bed anyway so we've decided to bite the bullet and sort it all out. So far a whole car load has gone to the charity shop, we have 3 bin bags to take to the tip (our bin is overflowing til collection next week) and yesterday I did a wardrobe sort and 2 more bin liners are ready to go to charity! The room looks in chaos as we are having a mammoth sort out but its a progress chaos which is good! We can actually see carpet now and move around the room easier. And we can visualise the end result and know that it will soon be as we want it :D

The feeling of achieving something, anything, will always make you feel good. To clean your environment and be able to look at that achievement over and over will keep that good feeling going

Fabulous and honest post! Well done you! I have two rooms and a garage to deal with -- plus boxes and drawers, but imam determined.
I often think evicting Mr Taz will solve some of the clutter problems in this place!

I'm about to put my wardrobes on Gumtree so I will have no choice but to clear them out when they sell!
I often think evicting Mr Taz will solve some of the clutter problems in this place!

I'm about to put my wardrobes on Gumtree so I will have no choice but to clear them out when they sell!

Good motivation!
I havent got very far today, but I have made lots of plans.................... that's my prblem tho,very good at making plans-not so good at following them thru !!
I'm just the same! I know what needs to be done, I know it has to be done but getting the motivation to do it is a whole other thing! Sometimes I have days where I'm very motivated and I could take on the whole world, others I just can't be arsed!
Morning Jane!

I'm just the same! I know what needs to be done, I know it has to be done but getting the motivation to do it is a whole other thing! Sometimes I have days where I'm very motivated and I could take on the whole world, others I just can't be arsed!

Baby steps, you too!

I got up, had my big glass of water, cleared up breakfast dishes, put some things back that we're left out, fed the dog, let her out, made my coffee, folded some laundry, and had my coffee, used my light box and am playing on Minis. But it's time for breakfast, then a work out, shower and dress, and start ticking a few things off my daily chore lists, weekly chore lists, etc,

Or I might back to bed! ;)
Hi Taz!

This morning I did yesterday's zone cleaning plus today & tomorrow's.
I blessed downstairs yesterday but I haven't done upstairs. It took longer than planned but I did a bit more of a detailed clean than planned. I took some clothes to a cash place yesterday. I only got a fiver but that's my wardrobe & the kid's sorted again. I accidentally found wrapping paper on sale in sainsburys so I have paper & tags for next Christmas. I've written in my control journal how much paper, tags & cards I have. I've also noted what treats were not needed so I can buy less next year.
Ticking away nicely here I think. Just need to work on sleep.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
I'm just the same! I know what needs to be done, I know it has to be done but getting the motivation to do it is a whole other thing! Sometimes I have days where I'm very motivated and I could take on the whole world, others I just can't be arsed!

That's me EXACTLY !!! today I am on a roll tho so look out world !!
Hi Taz!

This morning I did yesterday's zone cleaning plus today & tomorrow's.
I blessed downstairs yesterday but I haven't done upstairs. It took longer than planned but I did a bit more of a detailed clean than planned. I took some clothes to a cash place yesterday. I only got a fiver but that's my wardrobe & the kid's sorted again. I accidentally found wrapping paper on sale in sainsburys so I have paper & tags for next Christmas. I've written in my control journal how much paper, tags & cards I have. I've also noted what treats were not needed so I can buy less next year.
Ticking away nicely here I think. Just need to work on sleep.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)

This is impressive. I definitely should set up a control journal. Then I won't go out looking for a tree I already bought! I hope.
This is impressive. I definitely should set up a control journal. Then I won't go out looking for a tree I already bought! I hope.

I hope it works, well I mean I hope I keep it up. I love lists so this is a place to keep them all plus important info.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
Wow you make me tired just reading that!

Yesterday I was forced into doing some work as I sold one of my wardrobes. So I had to empty the wardrobe and box up all the clothes and tidy up the whole area so the wardrobe could be moved. I also had to sort out all the washing that was on the airer as the airer was behind the door and had to be taken down to allow the door to open fully. The knock on effect was a big sort out in the bedroom to rearrange stuff. On the plus side, another 2 bags filled for charity :D

I also had a call yesterday with a date for our new bedroom to be fitted and it will be done a week earlier than I'd planned so we have only 5 weeks to get the room completely cleared. Well, actually we have 2 weeks as the surveyor will be here on the 22nd and the room will have to be quite clear for him to measure properly. Best get my arse in gear!
You've given me an idea there Taz. A littel while ago I bought a Groupon deal to get some of my carpets professionally cleaned-and they need it !!.. I have a few more months in which to use the deal, but if I booked it for a few weeks time, I would HAVE to get those rooms sorted in readiness wouldnt I ??

ANyway for now, plans for today. pack the christmas deccies ( currently pilled up in our room) back into their boxes so that MrB can re-loft them this evening, and clean the bay windwo area in the lounge-this will be, wash the nets, clean the windows, move out the chairs and hoover behind them, reinstate everything.
I also need to do a quick food shop and go to work. That should all keep me out of mischief;)
Sounds like a fantastic idea Jane! So far this morning I have emptied 6 more drawers and boxed the contents. That will be all for now, I need a couple more boxes and I need a couple of wardrobe boxes too which I will be buying this evening