Baby steps really are the way to go. I FEEL like I have been sat on my bum at the computer for most of the day, but I have taken all the kids toys out the lounge upstairs, taken all the crap off the stairs that was meant to go upstairs as well ( you know the stuff that everyone else puts there and then walks past all the time). I've hoovered the lounge and the stairs, done a load of washing and perp'd dinner.
I'm pretty impressed, dont care what anyone else thinks !!
Baby steps really are the way to go. I FEEL like I have been sat on my bum at the computer for most of the day, but I have taken all the kids toys out the lounge upstairs, taken all the crap off the stairs that was meant to go upstairs as well ( you know the stuff that everyone else puts there and then walks past all the time). I've hoovered the lounge and the stairs, done a load of washing and perp'd dinner.
I'm pretty impressed, dont care what anyone else thinks !!
AND... Liv's new mattress arrived so swapped them over and re made up the bed.
Feeling quite self righteous !!!
She did indeed Mel !!
Havent been so productive today but I guess it IS the weekend !
Taz said:I'm just the same! I know what needs to be done, I know it has to be done but getting the motivation to do it is a whole other thing! Sometimes I have days where I'm very motivated and I could take on the whole world, others I just can't be arsed!
Yesterday me and Mr Taz went to our storage unit to rearrange the boxes and to sort through some of the boxes that had been put in there unsorted. We left the unit much tidier and with a bin liner full of charity stuff, a liner full of rubbish and a liner of recycling! Mr Taz then went to the charity shop where he unloaded 6 bin liners full of stuffThat's the second car load we've dropped off there, it's a wonder we have anything left here at all but it still looks full!
We put all of our bedroom furniture on ebay yesterday and already we have had loads of enquiries and it looks like all the furniture will be gone by Tuesdaymore motivation to get it all sorted. It's pretty much all boxed and ready to go now though
I've just done my own plan for the master bedroom this week.
I'm currently doing a quick clean of the kitchen/dinning room.
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oh yay! flylady! i was a flybaby for a few years - i still have a 15 minute mantra "you can do anything for 15 minutes" and i defineitely find having the kitchen and bathroom clean when i wake up very uplifting (and a sinkful of dirty dishes very depressing!)
Flylady is brilliant! I have depression and 3 years ago was a turning point for me in the home! I started Shining My sink every night and morning and what a difference it makes... something small but its a regular routine when you cant manage to even put a new loo roll on the holder! From there you manage to do more and in small steps you can see a change... we moved house and life was easier because of the Flylady tips... Now its time to make my Weight Fly!
My craft room must be sorted before I do the dining room or so I think.
Flylady is brilliant! I have depression and 3 years ago was a turning point for me in the home! I started Shining My sink every night and morning and what a difference it makes... something small but its a regular routine when you cant manage to even put a new loo roll on the holder! From there you manage to do more and in small steps you can see a change... we moved house and life was easier because of the Flylady tips... Now its time to make my Weight Fly!