de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Copied from my diary:

Just sorted DD's American Girl Doll Zone. Put the dolls in a large plastic box and some of the furnishings. The rest will be bagged until the original boxes are located n the loft some day. Tucked away on the right side of built in closet. Now, in the sloped open closet area I've moved the table we're using as her desk. It fits well. So, there is space for the keyboard in her room. This is one thing out of the craft room -- a tiny dent in decluttering -- but it's a start. DD wants to sort and part with toys. We'll be donating them to a shelter, child's home or the base thrift store.

The craft room was a guest room until I decided it was stupid to have a room wasted most of the time. So, I got rid of DS's loft bed and moved the double bed into his room (not a huge room -- but he has his bed, chest of drawers, wardrobe, huge corner desk and two bookshelves -- with a little floor sauce to spare!

However, the room has become a dumping ground -- so, I need to sort, organized and probably move some of the stored stuff back out to the garage. Then, I need to go though what was dumped in the dining room when I organized DH's office/exercise room (small room). It is used for storage, too.

Just need to figure it out -- and stuff needs to go. When DS leaves, the double bed will go and the futon will go in his room which will be the upstairs television/guest room. Then the single bedroom which is currently the upstairs television/ironing/guest room -- will become storage/ ironing room. Five bedroom house and we still have too much stuff for it. The detached double car garage is full of stuff, too. Sigh.
I've never heard of Flylady but I thing I'm missing out on something! What's Clean Eating magazine?

Well the bedroom is now officially empty except for the bed and tv (which is on the wall). All the furniture was sold and collected at the weekend and we've done our last trip to the storage unit :D tomorrow we have the surveyor coming in to verify the measurements for the new bedroom and Wednesday we have the electrician coming. He was supposed to come on Friday but the snow stopped that! Once that's all done we can get things a bit more tidy and settled here for the 3 weeks til the new furniture arrives. I will be pleased when it's all done
I love fly lady, tho you kinda have to cherry pick the bits which work for you. Never heard of clean eating magazine, pos it's a typo LOL

Your new bedroom is certainly coming together, all very exciting
Sounds like everyone's doing well!

I can't remember how much I've posted here,lol. Been busy all day & have cleaned downstairs (living room, powder room, kitchen/dinning room). I've sorted the clothes in my wardrobe & both the kids wardrobes, putting some in a bag to donate. I've also sorted through the kids toys in both their wardrobes & downstairs, filling a bag for charity. I've done several loads of laundry & put all but the last one away which is still in the machine washing. I've loaded the dishwasher a few times too. A very productive day now that my OH is back to work & out of my way,lol.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
Hi all,

i am a long time follower of both this thread and flylady, and I have decided this is the moment to finally start, instead of thinking about it. Off to clean my master bedroom before my shower and snuggling up in bed! Not the best time to clean, but I'm going to sieze the moment :)
Hi all,

i am a long time follower of both this thread and flylady, and I have decided this is the moment to finally start, instead of thinking about it. Off to clean my master bedroom before my shower and snuggling up in bed! Not the best time to clean, but I'm going to sieze the moment :)

Remember you can do anything in 15 mins - don't think it matters what time of day :)

I dont seem to be getting anywhere. Miniscule steps, too small to even be baby steps !! really pee'd off with myself and my house.

Now stop right there & forget those negative thoughts. Jump right in & do small bits each day. You can get there! My house didn't shape up till I got rid of loads of stuff. I don't even miss any of it.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
Thanks for the links. That's why I've never heard of it!

I don't know who posted it but I picked up on something last night that someone said on here about waking up to a clean kitchen with no dirty dishes. Whilst I'm at home my normal routine is to do the washing up after I've had breakfast and sometimes that means re-organising the dirty dishes from the night before so I have the space to make breakfast (I only have a small kitchen) but after seeing that post last night I went to the kitchen and did the second lot of washing up for the day! I also got my breakfast stuff ready for this morning. It felt really good to know that it was all done and this morning I got up and made my coffee in a nice clean kitchen with no washing up lying around. Whilst my coffee was brewing I put all the clean stuff away and I have a very clear kitchen and drainer and now I am off to make my blueberry porridge!
Thanks for the links. That's why I've never heard of it!

I don't know who posted it but I picked up on something last night that someone said on here about waking up to a clean kitchen with no dirty dishes. Whilst I'm at home my normal routine is to do the washing up after I've had breakfast and sometimes that means re-organising the dirty dishes from the night before so I have the space to make breakfast (I only have a small kitchen) but after seeing that post last night I went to the kitchen and did the second lot of washing up for the day! I also got my breakfast stuff ready for this morning. It felt really good to know that it was all done and this morning I got up and made my coffee in a nice clean kitchen with no washing up lying around. Whilst my coffee was brewing I put all the clean stuff away and I have a very clear kitchen and drainer and now I am off to make my blueberry porridge!

Feels good to have a clean kitchen in the morning. The big difference I have found is leaving clothes out the night before. Makes mornings run more smoothly.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
I've done that for a while now. No more hunting for underwear or uniform in the small hours (I start work from 4am) and it really does make it run smoothly. I usually put my clothes on my sofa last thing at night so they aren't making my lounge look untidy while I'm in it :D
Thanks for the links. That's why I've never heard of it!

I don't know who posted it but I picked up on something last night that someone said on here about waking up to a clean kitchen with no dirty dishes. Whilst I'm at home my normal routine is to do the washing up after I've had breakfast and sometimes that means re-organising the dirty dishes from the night before so I have the space to make breakfast (I only have a small kitchen) but after seeing that post last night I went to the kitchen and did the second lot of washing up for the day! I also got my breakfast stuff ready for this morning. It felt really good to know that it was all done and this morning I got up and made my coffee in a nice clean kitchen with no washing up lying around. Whilst my coffee was brewing I put all the clean stuff away and I have a very clear kitchen and drainer and now I am off to make my blueberry porridge!

That's how my morning goes -- unload clean dishes whilst coffee brews. I run the dishwasher even if it isn't full. I read somewhere that using your dishwasher to store dirty dishes in a bad idea - bacteria has time to grow and T's a form of procrastination.
I don't have a dishwasher, I do it all by hand

OMG! I'm very impressed you're staying on top of the dishes.
That's why it's so easy to leave it, it requires effort! I don't mind once I start but when you look at the pile it can seem a bit overwhelming. But I think if I keep it done every evening it won't seem like such a daunting task
That's why it's so easy to leave it, it requires effort! I don't mind once I start but when you look at the pile it can seem a bit overwhelming. But I think if I keep it done every evening it won't seem like such a daunting task

It's like my ironing mountain. Once I get going it isn't so bad - but it is difficult to motivate myself.
My worst offending is leaving clothes lying around... I have always been terrible for it. I am good at washing them, but they very rarely make it into a drawer or wardrobe, I live out of the basket. I am at least now putting the dirty ones in the washing basket and not leaving them lying around anymore :eek:

After my post last night, I did my bedroom, and as I am "working from home" today, I have done a blitz of the kitchen and lounge. Hubby goes away from tomorrow for 2 nights (does this every week), and I usually sit around in mess, but this week I want to enjoy it in a clean, fresh environment, so going to keep on top of things for the rest of the day. I might even shine my sink tonight ready for the morning!
Oh I do agree girls getting up to a tidy kitchen is lovely-dont know why I dont do it every day but as Taz said so rightly says, sometimes it's the thought of doing it that's off putting and yet the results of a bit of effort so rewarding- I must heed my own words I think.

Funnily enough Lottie I have just been having a majot clothes putting away session-it's all clean and in several pile in our room. Of course this means the girls can never find clean socks and undies in the morning-again this would all run smoother for just a bit of effort from yours truly !!
DD lays her clothes out at night before bed. Always has.