Well that will teach me, only lost 1lb this week, so proof it never pays to be bad. Some how there was still a positive to my weight in in that I lost 6in in total so that was great to see.
I get little moments of panic thinking will this work out and will the dress for. I need to not look at how long I have left, and try and take it 1 week at a time.
It just seems to be going so fast, can't believe I am on week 5 already.
I know the next few weeks are going to get real busy with wedding plans so I'm hopping I can stay on track with my diet as that is the one thing I don't have to think about to do, just drink my shakes and drink enough water. And if I needed it have my meal. Going to try to do as many 100% days as possible and see if that boost my loss.