You can totally do it hun!! I hope to manage a similar amount, we can do it!!
Water ahoy and death breath here you come Xx
Swit swooooo lovin the new pic dee! Gorgeous! And i KNOW u can reach that goalxxx
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I'm loving the gorgeous new avatar pic Dee! You have such a lovely shaped face, your jawline is soooo defined now! x
agreed, new pic is gorg hun!!
Have sent you a message (or err tried to!! I saved a copy in case it didnt go!)
Hope work isnt toooo busy for you xxx
Deezer said:100% day nearly done..... busy day at work helped.... When i finish this bottle of water that'll be 4 litres.....
Going to get my head in a book later!!! Maybe a bath!!!
Thanks for all you support girls!!!
Mwah mwah mwah!!!
Deezer said:Gonna do my press up challenge...... bath.... book!!! Lol....