Deezers Final stretch.....

Soooooo I've made a decision...... I am away the weekend of the 6th Sept nd then on holiday on the 22nd....... SO i was debating just coming off for my weekend, then back on and re-feeding for my holiday..... but think its a bit on/off/on/off.....

So I am going to re-feed on the 30th of August..... Sooooo 19 sleeps!!! Eeeek.... Will try as hard as i can to get the 17lb off but not sure that will happen but I'm gonna give it a go......

I'm debating putting one last order in..... then after my weekend away... I could maybe have packs here and there as part of my diet till my holiday.... to maybe lose the last few lbs.....

I'm not fretting too much about the numbers... I'm trying to concentrate more on my size now and thats going down nicely.... So I have just under 3 weeks to work my ass off.....

I am EXTREMELY anxious about eating normally again but I'm hoping my new active lifestyle will help me keep it off....

Exciting times ahead......

: /
Oooooo Yipee exciting hun, you have done amazing sounds like its time to start putting those new healthy mindsets to practice

New slim healthy you, new healthy habits, new routines

Your gonna do amazing :) Xx
Wow well done Deezer petal. You'll do grand I'm sure on refeed. Enjoy your holiday Deezer! Omg the 30th August. Hopefully by then my first week will be done. I never seem to get past day 2 lol. Anyhow I'm in the right frame of mind for this now. Even tempted to restart tomorrow now. I must make up my mind omg lol. Just don't want to be waddling along with all my mates all slim. Lol

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Wow well done Deezer petal. You'll do grand I'm sure on refeed. Enjoy your holiday Deezer! Omg the 30th August. Hopefully by then my first week will be done. I never seem to get past day 2 lol. Anyhow I'm in the right frame of mind for this now. Even tempted to restart tomorrow now. I must make up my mind omg lol. Just don't want to be waddling along with all my mates all slim. Lol

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Do it... start tomorrow... why wait.... I wish I'd done this years ago.... Re-feed on the 30th!!!! Eeeeek!!!! But i have about 6 weeks to get in the 14's..... If I can average about 3lb a week then I'll hit my goal before my holiday.... hoping my weekend away doesnt cause too much damage lol....

Its my best friends birthday and its gonna be amazing!!!! My first 'slim' outing!!!! SO excited!!!!!

Its taken over a year...... Its been intense!!!

But SO SO worth it!!!!

Getting very excited!!!!!
Deezer said:
Do it... start tomorrow... why wait.... I wish I'd done this years ago.... Re-feed on the 30th!!!! Eeeeek!!!! But i have about 6 weeks to get in the 14's..... If I can average about 3lb a week then I'll hit my goal before my holiday.... hoping my weekend away doesnt cause too much damage lol....

Its my best friends birthday and its gonna be amazing!!!! My first 'slim' outing!!!! SO excited!!!!!

Its taken over a year...... Its been intense!!!

But SO SO worth it!!!!

Getting very excited!!!!!

You are continuously inspirational-thanks for the txts earlier-helped keep me away from the chips! Day 1 completed! How I've not missed the constant trips to the loo! For once I'm glad I'm stuck in a hotel room xx

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You are continuously inspirational-thanks for the txts earlier-helped keep me away from the chips! Day 1 completed! How I've not missed the constant trips to the loo! For once I'm glad I'm stuck in a hotel room xx

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Well done on your day one!!!!

Hardest bit done.... Now for day two..... Few days under your belt and you'll be rolling.....

Remember how good them weigh days feel..........

Deezer said:
Well done on your day one!!!!

Hardest bit done.... Now for day two..... Few days under your belt and you'll be rolling.....

Remember how good them weigh days feel..........


I know! That's what's spurring me on! I've got soooo much other stress at the moment that I can't wait to get it under control again! Not gonna stress about running just yet, will probably wait til I get home-it's be easier once I get some normality back in my life xx

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I'm gonna have one hell of an Olympics come down..... What an amazing show!!!!!

Dont say this very this very often.... but really proud to be Britsih tonight!!!

Deezer said:
I'm gonna have one hell of an Olympics come down..... What an amazing show!!!!!

Dont say this very this very often.... but really proud to be Britsih tonight!!!


It was awesome! I've had a blast working on it-met some great people, just wish I knew what was happening next....xx

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Dee... 2016 what shall we do Triathalon, weights ;) seriously wanna do something competitive now lol x x x
I was actually thinking of doing triathlons.... I need to look more into it!!!

I'm up for it definately.... I think thats a main thing for me in maintenance..... keep having sometime to aim for!!! A challenge!!!!

Right..... need to get ready.....

Gym.... home....shower....get tattooed....Mcr for Lunch!!! : )

Good times.......

That's what I'm asking at the gym tomorrow to help me train for a triathlon ;) aim high babes we can do anything we set our minds to x x x
Trueleame said:
That's what I'm asking at the gym tomorrow to help me train for a triathlon ;) aim high babes we can do anything we set our minds to x x x

Ive often thought about training for a triathlon, but I don't think my front crawl would be upto it-plus I can't dive into water so that would start me off really badly lol xx

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What ya had done???? Pics pics pics!!!! X x x
I'm up for a bit of triathlon ladies :) woohoo :)

Need to pop and see you when I'm ready for my tattoo :)

Any time!!!!!!!

Mines a wee bit sore today but only because its where my bra strap goes!!!!!! Lol....... Well thought out Davina on a day I have to go to work!!!!!!!

Cant believe I have less than 3 weeks for re-feed!!!!!!!! So exciting!!!!!!

Yesterday at the gym I spoke with james about the other guy.....that went easy on me and james has booked me in with him on Monday.......I hurt already!!! Gonna look at my work diary and see if I can get in earlier!!!!!!

Really happy with the size of my top half, other than the lack of boobage! Lol so I cant wait to get blasting my bottom half!!!!!! Will continue with squats and lunges and crunches till Monday!!

I'd love to be in the red jeans by my weekend away but if not defiantely for my holiday!!!!!!!!

5 weeks 3 days!!!!!!!! Bring it on!!!!!!
Well done Deezer you're inspiring me so Day 1 for me today!!!

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