Deflating the Bouncy Castle

Oh darn, I think I missed your birthday. I am so sorry - Happy Birthday.

I am so sorry about your low weight loss at last weigh in - I know that you really need these losses, but is there any way that if you take a chart of your losses and show the GP or clinic, you can explain that after trying so hard, it looks like your body is just rejecting the weight loss at the moment. Maybe they could at least start the process while you carry on with the losses, - they have to see how dedicated you are. That would surely help motivate you again.

But, either way you are doing fantastically and don't let one slow result (but still a result) hold you back hun - shake it off, give yourself a cuddle and off you go - next week will be amazing :)
I quite fancy colonic hydrotherapy but its quite expensive! The OH didn't sound impressed when I asked if he wanted booked in lol
thanks egbert. i have a set of bloods to do next cycle, then once they've been done i shall go see my doctor and hope that the lucky scales haven't been fixed. about five weeks from now - so hopefully something will have shifted anyway, by then.

as for all the crap about crap... it is spendy, for sure - but they occasionally come up on groupon. if any of you gals get livingsocial/kgb/wowcher, and an offer comes up on a london-based poo-sluicer, let me know, yes?
1400 posts! thank you

Just finished reading the whole thread and diary etc and just want to say a massive thank you to everyone on here. Incredibly inspirational and I wish all of you your hearts desires. Thank you. x
Poo sluicer - lol

I think it would feel too weird. Totally bizarre.
so here's a thing - this morning i'm not hungry. 2 possible reasons: the extra pack, or because I actually got a little over seven hours sleep last night. I actually suspect the latter.

So - plan for this weekend is plenty of sleep. But before that - am seeing some of my local femal friends for a clothes swap. Taking along everything i've shrunk out of (except the stuff i know will sell well on ebay) and maybe i will pick up some new treasures...!

There are about 12 of us going i think, so it should be productive.
spangles said:
so here's a thing - this morning i'm not hungry. 2 possible reasons: the extra pack, or because I actually got a little over seven hours sleep last night. I actually suspect the latter.

So - plan for this weekend is plenty of sleep. But before that - am seeing some of my local femal friends for a clothes swap. Taking along everything i've shrunk out of (except the stuff i know will sell well on ebay) and maybe i will pick up some new treasures...!

There are about 12 of us going i think, so it should be productive.

Honestly. I am utterly convinced it's the sleep - look at the sleep institutes research into the effects of sleep deprivation on weight loss, this is definitely my major issue. If I get enough sleep and don't have to deal with extreme demands of a work or home nature, the weight falls off, if I get my average of 5 hours ( or 4 as it was last night) it's a deep struggle because I feel so tired that I'm craving anything to pick me up.

Maybe I can get those tablets on the black market somewhere!
I have no idea how you can cope with that amount of sleep!!!!! I honestly can't function at all on less than 6 and even then I'm awfully tired! How do you do it!!! My dad n bro do it too. I feel so lazy in comparison!
Hi Spangles, my hubby had a colonic and lost 6lb! I can't imagine you'd have much in you to flush out though....??
I need a colonic...haven't been the loo properly for 10 days ish, eurgh.

Sorry I missed your bday Spangles, I hope it was a good 'un xx
well, it's worth a try. I think the point is to get rid of old impacted build-up that's accumulated over the years... but who knows. worth a try if it comes to seeing my doctor and i'm touch and go on the scales...
I heard from somewhere that a guy had it done and a bit of meat came out.... He had been a vegetarian for 7 years!!!!

Sadly I am eating my lunch while reading this.... :eek:

Thats disgusting! lol!
Sadly I am eating my lunch while reading this.... :eek:

Thats disgusting! lol!

That made me LOL....!!! Hope it didn't put you off :) xxx
Nah, It did make me drink my shake slower tho! lol! But I had a mouthful of it at the time! lol! :p
40% off at collectif with the code LOVE40, my little retro kittens:
Ooohhh.... now I want to buy clothes and im trying not to til I've lost more weight! Was looking on their website last night and drooling over shoe porn! Lol
ClaireCaat - what are you going to wear when you're one size down? You'll NEED something! and Collectif has pretty good resale value on ebay.