Oh, and i forgot to say...
so i've been doing SS+ since wednesday, and on wednesday night i thought to myself - what about introducing proper food? I've been coming round to the idea more and more for the last few weeks as i've been planning the steps... so anyway, for the last three days i have had delicious prawns and crunchy cucmber. And I have loved it. It has tended to make me think, not long after, "well what can i have now? Nothing?! what about now? what do you mean i've had all my food for the day? I like food - surely there's more?"... but this is not about hunger. This is about reawakening my appetite, and now i have woken it up, i need to teach it some manners. bloody greedy little cowbag...
as for weightloss, well - it hasn't been a whoosh, but i wasn't really expecting one, but even if i stay the same between now and tuesday night I'll have lost a couple of pounds, i think. which is an enormous improvement.
so - do i stay on SS+ for the next two weeks? or do i cut back to SS? what do we think?