My savoury loaf, I've tried it & it's ok, not sparkling, but ok, maybe it will be better tomorrow cold with salad.
I used:-
5 Scan Bran (or Oat Bran)
2 large carrots finely grated or wizzed in a mini chopper (about 150gms)
3 eggs beaten
Additional vegetables total should be 150 - 200gms
I used, frozen corn, spinach & cauliflower
Seasoning - garlic, curry powder & chilli powder
1. Pour boiling water over the Scan Bran and leave for 1 minute so that it
softens, then drain and mash.
2. Blend the Scan Bran, carrot, & veggies, mixing very thoroughly.
Then add the beaten eggs and stir until completely mixed.
Transfer the mixture into a microwaveable dish – about
6½” or 16cm in diameter.
3. Microwave on high for about 10 minutes, or until it's cooked. The end product
should be reasonably moist. You may need to experiment with the cooking
time depending on the power of your microwave.