Silver Member
Looks like a cool restaurant! Have a lovely hol xx
Thanks tasha. It was a great night. Cannot wait for next week!
Looks like a cool restaurant! Have a lovely hol xx
Have a brilliant holiday Geordie. Xx
How are you doing Geordie, hope its hot & your having a really good time, miss you xx
Hi cookie. I am having a great time. Enjoying my last few days!
Had a great time on the boat trip. We went shopping yesterday and out for lunch but other than that just lazed around and enjoyed the sun. My daughter and I are off for a manicure and pedicure in an hour. She has never had a "shop" one before so should be fun!!!!
I think I have managed quite well with the food. If I have wanted a piece of pizza I have had it and some nights a dessert. Tried not to go nuts and have mostly eaten meat, salad and rice , so fingers crossed. As ever enjoyed my wine on a night and the all inclusive does its own Turkish version of martini!
So I will be back home on Friday coming and bracing myself for WI after 3 weeks off next week. However I now feel ready to start SW properly again and get the other 17 lb or so off, have quite liked myself this holiday for the first time in ages!!!!
Hope everyone is having a great bank holiday weekend xxx
Well synned a bit last night had a bit of a lounge picnic with my daughter and neice whilst watching x factor (which was rubbish). Out for sunday lunch today, visiting my parents and probably mother in law tonight in hospital. Back to work tomorrow. WI is tomorrow or Tuesday will see how busy I am. Weighed myself yesterday morning and it looked like a 3 -4 lb gain :thumbdown: