Determined and can!!!!!

Hi Geordie, how's your day been today? I've been off so had it pretty easy or should I say lazy! For a change I'm having my second Green Day well, also because not got much meat, chicken or fish in so I thought may as well give it a go. So far its not bad. Xx

Well disastrous to be honest. The good news is no alcohol tonight not even a sniff of martini and I haven't missed it so good. Planned on being good o training course and I was for main course for lunch, chilli and rice but I syned massively had a small Danish pastry when I got there, then a cookie at break and a profiterole for desert. Was just fed up that's all. Need to get a grip but when I got home I have beef casserole, veg and mash which I made so better. Tomorrow's another day and I am out all day with work, busy with an hours drive there and back and probably a 9 or 10 hour day with no time to think of food. Mother in law poorly again with an abcess on her lung and hubby quite worried today x
Well disastrous to be honest. The good news is no alcohol tonight not even a sniff of martini and I haven't missed it so good. Planned on being good o training course and I was for main course for lunch, chilli and rice but I syned massively had a small Danish pastry when I got there, then a cookie at break and a profiterole for desert. Was just fed up that's all. Need to get a grip but when I got home I have beef casserole, veg and mash which I made so better. Tomorrow's another day and I am out all day with work, busy with an hours drive there and back and probably a 9 or 10 hour day with no time to think of food. Mother in law poorly again with an abcess on her lung and hubby quite worried today x

Oh sorry about the MIL. food wise still lots of positives. SMALL Danish! Just one profiterole could've been loads more and one cookie that's it! Lunch main and dinner were blooming good! Can you pack up some low syn or free snacks to take with you tomorrow like, hi fi bars or other cereal bars, fruit, yogurts, carrot sticks? It's so hard being around non SW food when every other ******* tucking in!
I really hope you have a better day tomorrow empathise completely about the long shifts, sending hugs xx
Oh sorry about the MIL. food wise still lots of positives. SMALL Danish! Just one profiterole could've been loads more and one cookie that's it! Lunch main and dinner were blooming good! Can you pack up some low syn or free snacks to take with you tomorrow like, hi fi bars or other cereal bars, fruit, yogurts, carrot sticks? It's so hard being around non SW food when every other ******* tucking in!
I really hope you have a better day tomorrow empathise completely about the long shifts, sending hugs xx

Thanks for the positive vibes cookie. A bottle of wine would add up to more than the three naughty things i had lol. Tomorrow I will make my own brown bread sarnie as a hex b and take a banana and a hifi for 3 syns and that will be it so better. Gonna really try and keep up this no alcohol business though. It could be the key, but wish me luck .......:eek:
Hi Geordie. Hope today feels a better day for you. As you say wine would have been more syns. Sorry to hear MIL is not so good I know it's a worry for you guys. Long day for you today, step at a time.
Geordie that was pretty good considering how you were feeling about it, well done x x. :)

Thanks. Today has been busy.
Nice food B - 2 soft boiled egg and 2 slices of toast hex b
S - peanut hifi 3 syns and banana
L - SW chips, bacon and spaghetti hoops - delish
D - chicken pasta arrabiata and salad
Into the wine again. 2 glasses of red 12 syns - boo!
MIL poorly hubby stressed and me worried too, take each day as it comes xx
Well working from home day and hoping to log off at 4!
B - 1 weetabix and milk and blackberries, hex a and 1/2 b
S- hifi light and banana other half hex b
L - chicken rice and prawns
D tonight will be chicken kebab s and pitta bread and hummous, probably about 10 syns
Not a great deal planned for the weekend, tomorrow gonna vist MIL
Sunday is the great north run, we live in the middle of the route and roads will be closed so cannot really do much except go and watch it and see the red arrows! Brother in law and my friend are running, both for charity, I will be about half way. Bro has requested I take him some lucozade and a mars bar! Hope everyone is having a good day x
I cannot run I am really flat footed and hate it! But the gnr is a great event for the north east in terms of revenue for local business and sponsorship for charity. I laughed about wine o clock. Just picked my daughter up from dancing at 7 and went straight to the kitchen to pour a glass. Hubby laughed :) just about to make kebabs for tea!
I like running although I've never ran more than 8 miles in one go so the GNR would be a task too much for me, only thing is my knee isn't so good since I fell off the treadmill at Easter it swells up after an hours workout so have to take it easy. Xx
Chilled day apart from visiting MIL who must be getting better as she moaned loads. Her sister who is 85 came to visit her all by herself at 12 noon out of visiting time as she didn't realise the time and brought her flowers (awah). She is deaf and was shouting and MIL was embarrassed she came but we had to try and persuade her how sweet she was being. Anyway she gets the results of her broncoscopy on Monday.
So food
B - fruit and yoghurt
S - hifi light 3 syns
L - tuna jacket potato
S- 3 crackers, spready cheese and pickled onions 1/2 hex a
D - brown bun hex b homemade burgers salad, corn on the cob and SW chips
Is this too much food?
Its Saturday so doing what aqua s pic says and have a funnel attached to a wine bottle! !!


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Oi don't blame me for you wayward wine habit lol :p. cool wine glass/ bottle idea though huh :). Could just go with a straw instead :)

Food looks fine to me Geordie. Glad MIL is a bit better, they do get v opinionated and just say what they think when they get older, my mum did too and we were like shh you can't say that when she was in hosp,:). Really sweet of her sister though bless her.
Hello Geordie how are you? Burger meal looked yummy. Hope the GNR goes well and you don't or didn't get too wet waiting for them to come through. The wether here is lashing it down but were all cosy inside with the heating on (he suggested it too!) Glad the MIL has seen some improvement again and bless her sister I can just imagine her Anyway hope your doing ok, love the wine glass by the way although I could not see a little of it xx
Hi had a stressful day yesterday. MIL was really ill sat night and yesterday morning. Nearly had to pull brother in law out of the GNR but decided nor to tell him about it til he finished and then he was taken straight to hospital. Anyway she is stable now but waiting for the result s of the broncoscopy today. Her breathing is getting worse and she is on very strong anti biotic s. Me and daughter did go and see the GNR. It was great, saw Mo, really disappointed he didn't win. We got very wet and we had to have a hot bath when we got back.
B- weetabix half hex a and b fruit and yoghurt
L - pork casserole. Veg and mash. Fresh pineapple and 2 tablespoons of angel delight - maybe 3 syns
S - 2 crackers 2 syns and cheese other half hex a and a packet of crisps 7 syns
Had 2 glasses of red wine 12 syns
So over on syns :(