Determined and can!!!!!

Hi Geordie. Sounds like you day was really mixed with enjoyment then mega stress/worry. Really hope your MIL starts to improve again soon x x hope you get some good news today.
Yes you did go, you had a super duper time and your back on track. Congratulations n a fantastic loss this week, brilliant news just what you needed. Hope things with MIL are improving too xx
Hello Geordie hoping today has been less stressful. I'm much better after yesterday thanks and I lost 0.5lb too so yay! It's small but very welcome. We're off to Scarborough tomorrow afternoon for a weekend in a caravan & I'm looking forward to a nice break. I just hope its dry at least xx
Well daughter has had a bad cold so didn't go dancing today but we ended up shopping. All for her except I got some make up as Debenham s had an Estee Lauder offer on so got some freebies. Went out for lunch , she wanted to go to an American diner which was lovely and I thought I was in grease the movie lol food chioce a challenge. Diet coke and a chilli burger which was lovely. No fries or anything with it, so best of a bad job. Hubby at work tomorrow, gonna make a chicken Sunday lunch and take some to MILs, meals on wheels!!!! :)
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Hey Geordie, top new about Mil, once she's home hopefully you'll be less stressed. I think a few of us have had suspect meals this weekend which I think is ok once a week but I wish I absolutely enjoyed it but I didn't. I have done the last 3wks so can't complain too much. Back on it today as its operation pull back before Thursdays wi. Hope you have a good weekend for the rest of it & its good to treat yourself to anew lippy xx
Yes MIL loads better. Made a Sunday dinner and took some over on Sunday she was delighted. Its her birthday today so will see her tonight. So I haven't managed to write down food but its been good maybe apart from x factor picnic on Saturday night. Red wine has been the problem! Stress that's what. Also have been debating if to stop going to WI and to just do it myself. I don't ever stay to class and could WI at home. The only thing I would miss would be hifi bars! Discussed it with mam at the weekend and she thinks it would be a disaster but what to do? :)
Hey Geordie. Big decision about quitting the wi. I always stay for the meeting I enjoy them & I love the hi fi bars. I couldn't quit them at the moment I know I'd be fine for a month tops then it'd be tough & id be back to the weight i started by xmas / new year. But, my friend manages fine & has lost a further 6lbs on her own in the last 3,months so it can be done. Just stock up on your bars first if you do stop going xx
Dudes you are right. Was having a wobble and feeling heavy today. Anyway faced up to it and went to WI. STS so delighted. I lost 3lb last week so wasn't gonna loose loads and its star week. Anyway ended up with scran bran and recipes for scran bran cake. Might make the ginger one. Cookie I know you make the cakes. The leaders hubby does the shop and he recommended the ginger cake!!!! So there you go. Cannot stop for meeting as going to see MIL its her birthday (that s when hubby gets home). Off to Leeds tomorrow for a meeting. Will be able to have a chill on the train there and back lol. Thank s for the support today ladies :)
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Ooh ginger scan bran cake, I've never made it but I tried it when we had a taster week and it was gorgeous. Now I'm wondering why ice not made it! I enjoy the cakes breakfast and afters, weird I know but I like it. When it gets colder I'll probably go to porridge for breakfast. Hope you enjoy it and well done by the way on then STS, you've had a lot on so its one less thing to worry about. Xxx
Thank ladies quite pleased. Last night had a halo like aquas and didn't have a cream cake when everyone else did! Currently on train back from Leeds good meeting and a bit of a relaxing day although up early. Fruit and yoghurt for B. Banana and peanut hifi for snack. Then an m and s harrisa chicken and cucous for lunch and a small sushi! :)
Well done Geordie, looks like your halo is shining brightly too! I had a STS this week, I hoped the a sneaky loss but I'm pleased with no gain as its star week and last month was 1.5 on so I'm going to go for another good week. Hope your having a good day. Any news on the scan bran cake yet? Xx