Right rest of sat not so angelic: Boiled rice, mush chow mein (allowed 8), stir fry veg no sauce (allowed 3) 2 bits of cake (20) 2 large glasses red (17) I did 30 ds. Walked loads at wisley. Total syns - 53 soooo... Had unused ones from rest of week (27) sat which leaves 26 excess to be balanced over next 2 days however as at in laws today there will be only minimal syn clawback possible!!!
Today - Sunday
Watermelon & pineapple
Salad. Sweet fire beetroot. Quorn roast fillets (0.5), 75g Philly light (a), 5 Finn crisp (wholemeal) (b), carrot batons. Half veggie burger (felt had to have as mother in law had cooked piles of vegetable burgers and veggie kievs and no one had any so felt bad - don't even like them) (3.5)
5 more Finn crisp (b)
More carrot batons
Salad. Tofu. 1 tbsp chilli sauce (3)
Quark. 2 tsps lemon curd (2)
Syns -9 : 6 off total=20 excess (oops)- so sat will have to be my first flexible syns day of the plan. Not bad after 7 weeks and in a weekend of 2 birthdays in 2 days. Today she brought out tiramisu, choc cake & arctic cake and I didn't have any!!
Did 30 ds.
Not really disappointed. Really enjoyed my first wine of 2013 with my best friends from school. I hope I don't gain but not worried about a loss!
Hope everyone had a good weekend?