Determined to be foxy 42 by 2014! Want to join me?

Wooo, clever you. My nanna used to crochet amazingly, net curtains, dresses, I feel ashamed at my lack of skills there but patterns look complete gibberish to me so I really do respect you being able to follow them. I saw you are an Essex girl, I am almost, walk half a mile up the road and I'm in Essex, but not the pretty bit by you. Totally agree about the sad lack of fancy dress parties. I always dress up at Halloween, I've a mask I modelled on a real skull and I think it's rather good. I like to wear it complete with hooded cloak and gloves and have had some rather good reactions whilst driving in it ;) Being a Terry Pratchet fan, I've toyed with the idea of blue lights in the eyes but ... I don't think it would work. No Binky either.

Hope your weekend has been good.

Ha ha you must look really scary I bet people are really freaked out with that costume!
Love this part of Essex and although moved away at 3 I moved back at 30 because I love the scenery & the people ( plus its near my football club and the travel was costing me a ton!!). My family have lived here for many generations and recently I've quite liked that feeling. The scenery is beautiful - especially towards Suffolk where we will probably move in time. Flatford is really close as is the sea at east mersea. I have other places I love though - you mentioned Falmouth & Cornwall is one of them. I love st Ives and I also am totally mad about bellagio in Italy ahhhhhhhhhhh beautiful.
Friend arriving in 2 hours, got cold & have to dress & tidy house uhoh!! Said no takeaways though & I'm getting them dinner stuff in town so I can have an sw friendly meal. Hoping for a good weekend although not sure I can fit in shred before she arrives. May have some very exciting news Tuesday but under wraps for now..... Drum roll........!!!!

Oh thats not fair - come on spill the beans!!!
Sadly I think the surprise has, lets say, disappeared or actually re-appeared. I had a mid week weigh and got all carried away but I'm afraid now that what I had hoped is not to be but I will update in the morning after wi when I have the definitive readout!!
Thanks. Feeling a bit low tonight but think its just tiredness from the cold. 30 day shred and then a light dins should perk me up a bit!
Thanks. Feeling a bit low tonight but think its just tiredness from the cold. 30 day shred and then a light dins should perk me up a bit!

Cheer-up chuck...there's gonna be less of you tomorrow!..

I've got my fingers, eyes, toes and legs crossed that the scales stop taking the hiss and give you a few pound off instead of half here and there. I know it all adds up but its a long week when you're only getting half a pound off at the end of it. You deserve a medal love I couldn't of put up with weight loss so slow - with all the effort and determination you put in you should be at least getting 1.5lbs a week :) xxx
I'm crossing everything for you for tomorrow too. Just wondering, as I've NO IDEA how old you are, and you don't look as old as what I'm about to say .... and PLEASE don't take this the wrong way ....

Dare I say it? OK, here I go, and I really really don't want to say anything out of order, I was thinking about your slow losses, and how well you are doing to stick with the programme despite it not having instant good results , when I started the menopause I found it very hard to lose, but another couple of years on I'm back to 'normal' as far as shifting weight goes.

Der ... Of course I know how old you are ;) So it's not impossible for it to be happening early for you? Not that this speculation is a help, but it might be a reason. Another thought is that you might try sucess express. There is a thread all about it in the SW section here.

I hope you have excellent news tomorrow, that the earlier gain was a blip.
I'm crossing everything for you for tomorrow too. Just wondering, as I've NO IDEA how old you are, and you don't look as old as what I'm about to say .... and PLEASE don't take this the wrong way ....

Dare I say it? OK, here I go, and I really really don't want to say anything out of order, I was thinking about your slow losses, and how well you are doing to stick with the programme despite it not having instant good results , when I started the menopause I found it very hard to lose, but another couple of years on I'm back to 'normal' as far as shifting weight goes.

Der ... Of course I know how old you are ;) So it's not impossible for it to be happening early for you? Not that this speculation is a help, but it might be a reason. Another thought is that you might try sucess express. There is a thread all about it in the SW section here.

I hope you have excellent news tomorrow, that the earlier gain was a blip.


Not at all offended but I'm afraid it's not the menopause - all still fully 'normal' in that area with family history of 50+ menopause so think its just the way the diet works for me. Hormones are up and down though with quite a short cycle so that probably plays a prt! I will have a look at success express and see how that works as always willing to try something new!

It is quite common when doing the 30 day shred not to lose so hoping when I finish that my losses will be bigger. As Lisa says 1.5 pw would be good.

We will see!
Cheer-up chuck...there's gonna be less of you tomorrow!..

I've got my fingers, eyes, toes and legs crossed that the scales stop taking the hiss and give you a few pound off instead of half here and there. I know it all adds up but its a long week when you're only getting half a pound off at the end of it. You deserve a medal love I couldn't of put up with weight loss so slow - with all the effort and determination you put in you should be at least getting 1.5lbs a week :) xxx

Thanks x need my bed tonight struggling & the associated anxieties kicking in so reading then sleeping ( while drinking lots of nsa squash to wash that fat away)!! The reason I put up with the slow loss is that on other diets I can't stick to them so while this may be slow its a constant loss & I can stick to it rather than gains and giving up ( just like we were saying yesterday on your diary!!!)
Hello lovely.. just dropping by to see how you're getting on and to say good luck for weigh in day xx
Oh no, have just been on the SW site - the bear rolls are off the approved list ;(
Boooooo! I have only had one lot in the last few weeks luckily but that's a name as they were a fruity sweet treat.

I have never had them, I found out about them from you and then discovered I can't have them in the space of 2 or 3 days ... pfttt. Anyway, goodnight, sleep that 1.5 away.
Ok so it's the weekly news flash. I lost ..........2 lbs! Happy with that. That takes me to 12.5 in total. It's taken 8 weeks though ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Still I think there will be a time when I 'let go' of some weight and it'll come off faster.

The news was that on Friday I had a mid week weigh in ( like to check whether things are going ok or whether I've managed to stumble into doing something very wrong). I'd lost 3 lbs and I was in the 13s. Foolishly I was soooooo excited and thought as it was only Friday and I had 4 more full days I could maintain that or lose more - but weirdly no!! How has it actually gone on? All very peculiar. Saying that I have been feeling crappy and am very tired and quite often when I'm poorly I put on. I'm not taking anything either so it's not sneaky strepsils or lemsip.

All this aside- I'm pleased. It's amazing though. I was in my workout gear last night saying to my hubby 'ugh my tummy is so fat, look at my hips etcetc' then thought 'I've lost nearly 1 stone', it's amazing how you blind yourself to 1- the original gain and your size and 2- then can't see your loss!! Thing with me is that I've been at this weight recently so I don't feel different. Another 8 lbs off and I start noticing then as its a weight I'm not at very often. I got to 13-6 for my 40th so not long ago but with my birthday in December I put it on again over birthday / Xmas/ new year.

Better scoot- got a day of transcribing investigation meetings and finishing policies ahead (yawn). More later x

Ps thanks all who drop by and post encouragement- it really does help no end xx
Just to cheer me I have seen I have lost nearly 6% of body weight. Also on here still 30+ but on sw site I am 29.9 for bmi so in the 20s. Thats encouraging & I'm goings really focus on all those changes that all add up to a big change. Also decided when I'm a bit further in and it's not so daunting that I'm going to lower my goal weight. Reckon I will aim in total for 4 or 4.5 stones off. Just want to actually be slim!!
:bliss::bliss::bliss: WELL DONE !!! :bliss::bliss::bliss:

NOW WE'RE TALKING! about time too after all this effort!

Well done chuckie egg xxxxxxxxx
Talking of eggs my celebration 1 hex b 1 syn brekkie
