Silver Member
Wooo, clever you. My nanna used to crochet amazingly, net curtains, dresses, I feel ashamed at my lack of skills there but patterns look complete gibberish to me so I really do respect you being able to follow them. I saw you are an Essex girl, I am almost, walk half a mile up the road and I'm in Essex, but not the pretty bit by you. Totally agree about the sad lack of fancy dress parties. I always dress up at Halloween, I've a mask I modelled on a real skull and I think it's rather good. I like to wear it complete with hooded cloak and gloves and have had some rather good reactions whilst driving in itBeing a Terry Pratchet fan, I've toyed with the idea of blue lights in the eyes but ... I don't think it would work. No Binky either.
Hope your weekend has been good.
Ha ha you must look really scary I bet people are really freaked out with that costume!
Love this part of Essex and although moved away at 3 I moved back at 30 because I love the scenery & the people ( plus its near my football club and the travel was costing me a ton!!). My family have lived here for many generations and recently I've quite liked that feeling. The scenery is beautiful - especially towards Suffolk where we will probably move in time. Flatford is really close as is the sea at east mersea. I have other places I love though - you mentioned Falmouth & Cornwall is one of them. I love st Ives and I also am totally mad about bellagio in Italy ahhhhhhhhhhh beautiful.