Silver Member
Ps not eaten any.
omg I love those cupcakes, they are just the cutest. You've got a natural talent there hun, wouldn't think it was the first ones you had made xx
Funny you should mention that...! Voila
OH BTW what is lemon Curd Quark? do you buy the quark and add lemon curd to it?
Hope you kept smiling. I had a good day at work as my boss visited and offered me a huge project that might actually be a challenge ( scary though!!). Yes it's quark with lemon curd ( I always recommend my local tiptree lemon curd made just a few mikes away) stirred in. Yummmmmmmy!
I came to visit. Your cupcakes are indeed very pretty and you should feel proud of yourself for choosing to treat your body longterm rather than eat them. I've been baking tonight but I'll jabber on about it on my diary. You eat a fait bit of tofu I notice, what do you do with it? Or do you like it white and bland straight from the pack? I like it scrambled with LOTS of nutritional yeast, of which I am rather fond.
Hope you have a nice weekend, and find employment better suited to your interests and skills.
Sounds good! I use our local farm shops quite a lot.
Still smiling! Had a good day 100%. Busy weekend ahead and my mum has come to stay!
Hope you have a good weekend. ?
Friend arriving in 2 hours, got cold & have to dress & tidy house uhoh!! Said no takeaways though & I'm getting them dinner stuff in town so I can have an sw friendly meal. Hoping for a good weekend although not sure I can fit in shred before she arrives. May have some very exciting news Tuesday but under wraps for now..... Drum roll........!!!!
Hi Micci
Thanks for dropping by. Still 2 uneaten cakes in the kitchen. Hooray! It shows the change in mindset - at last.
With my tofu ( I always buy cauldron) I cut it up into blocks & fry 2 sides with fry light til it's quite well done. I am not keen on it wobbly and plain so mix it with salad & chilli sauce, or veg for a stir fry. Yesterday just eat cooked bits as a snack for lunch plain. Lovely.
I don't think I can see your diary can I if its in the silver section? not sure how it works. If I can let me know the name of it & I will pop in. Notice on your little bio you like arts & crafts. I love my crochet but have not had so much time recently. Which crafts do you do? I should get back to Tito keep my hands busy & out of the fridge!
Oi !!! Where are you? Want to know how you got on yesterday. I hope you're feeling ok I know you've got a cold, hope its not got worse :sigh:
........sending hugs :bighug:xxx
I like a lot of marination, will have a try doing it your way as I used to like it fried. I'd never though of doing it with frylight. To see my angst ridden personal diary you have to have 500 posts IIRC, but my other one where I put recipes is under my sig. To find my posts you can click on my name and look at other forum posts, that should get you there.
So, you crochet? Like real, following patterns stuff? Deep deep respect from me. I can do hats in triple treble (?????) and that's it. I had a rather improper version of that stitch and years ago was sitting on a bench in a square in Falmouth doing it may way and a lady sitting next to me could stand it no longer and showed me how to do it properly. My favourite activities are papier mache and masks but as an ex home educating mum with a son who does like costumes I've been called upon to produce all sorts of things at very short notice. One halloween we were driving to the party venue using the car's heater to dry the paint on his costume that I'd sewn earlier in the day. I like doing tudor costumes too, made some for sale for a school visit to Kentwell last year which was rather good but nerve wracking.
Have a lovely time with your friends, good idea to put your foor down about no takeaways.
Get posting and you can join me on my lonely diary![]()