Hi El I'm really good thanks, how you doing? things settled down at all?
Busy bee today. Up after not too much kip as went over to our community wildlife garden across the road to receive a walnut tree we were planting. Back, did some planting in the garden for butterflies, on here now doing my assignment, footie to listen to in half an hour alongside study. Also had all the junk from under the stairs out searching for all the statements for the community garden (I'm chair and treasurer) and luckily found them but the house is now in massive disarray with cushions, photos, paperwork etc all over the lounge and dining room. the co chair is coming round at 2 to do some finance stuff. then later tonight i'm off on a bat walk! lots to do but keeps me moving and burning off that fat.
oh must tell you, the girl i went out with last night and i exchanged xmas pressies yesterday (yes we're that bad at getting together) and she bought me a wiggle dress. thing is i'd told her last year i was an 18 and so that's what she got me and it's really big so got to get it altered! good for me but bad for her!
have a great day ladies. i'm so hoping to get back to 13-2.5 this week so my stats are correct - aren't gains tedious? it's 2 weeks wasted. one with the gain, and one with just getting back to where you have already been! must try to avoid them at all costs. so so desperate to see a 12 in the front on the scales. 2 weeks i want it there. it will make a huge difference to me mentally to have that 12.
food today is so far just 2 m and s mini subs! not really hungry but do fancy yet another coffee!