I like the high one particularly. Got anywhere else done apart from your ears? I used to have a few home made holes (mostly) in my ears and my belly.
The belly button piercing went after my appendix adventure. They were wheeling me into theatre and asked several times if I had any more metal in my body.
Well, I was thinking IN my body like the clips from my gall bladder removal and told them about that but didn't think of piercings. Bear in mind I was on intravenous morphine, hadn't eaten for days and was generally very ill so I think I can be excused for not thinking straight. I vaguely remember coming to to see the anaesthetist waving a little plastic pot at me with the belly bar in it at me. She was telling me off for not having told her and saying how lucky it was that they found it. I suspect I did get burnt by it as I still have quite a dark little scar where it was. I've never fancied having it done again.
Looking at your food, why have you synned rice? Is it a pre made one? With a bit of oil or something?
Enjoy your weekend X
The belly button piercing went after my appendix adventure. They were wheeling me into theatre and asked several times if I had any more metal in my body.
Well, I was thinking IN my body like the clips from my gall bladder removal and told them about that but didn't think of piercings. Bear in mind I was on intravenous morphine, hadn't eaten for days and was generally very ill so I think I can be excused for not thinking straight. I vaguely remember coming to to see the anaesthetist waving a little plastic pot at me with the belly bar in it at me. She was telling me off for not having told her and saying how lucky it was that they found it. I suspect I did get burnt by it as I still have quite a dark little scar where it was. I've never fancied having it done again.
Looking at your food, why have you synned rice? Is it a pre made one? With a bit of oil or something?
Enjoy your weekend X