Total Solution DeterminedLady's TS Diary

You're doing fab determinedlady! :hug99:xx

I had the banana shake for lunch today, that wasn't too bad although I had expected it to be more banana flavoured, like the slimfast banana.
Morning Flowers :character00238:
Day 5 and Today I feel good! I slept better and don't feel in the slightest bit daunted at another day. I'm enjoying the fact I don't have carb-lag. Carbs always make me sluggish so this diet is perfect for making me feel awake!
I'm thinking of having porridge for my brekkie for a change, but I can't decide.....I actually like everything which helps :)

Yesterday I got some Slim & Save samples i'd ordered- i'm going to check the stats and might mix n match them in. Has anyone else tried this? I notice their 'bar' is tiny! :confused: (I think it's a snack bar though to be fair) I'm SO glad i'm on exante! But if I get bored after the month I might switch to S&S for a change.. I'll see if I like them 1st though.

Anyway, onwards and downwards lovely Exante people! :D xx
Well good morning you,glad you up and at it and feeling gooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .You must have my energy today i been sluggish for last few days, really tired and so so cold :sign0137: . gonna get off my fat backside and walk the dog and see if that perks me up,didnt help going out all day yesterday up on moors was bleeding freezing!. i have a box of s and s too havent tried any yet may swap to that when all my exante has gone , i like the idea of a hot meal even if it is tiny lol :D
Hello :) just read through your diary, your doing fab! I reckon I hit ketosis around day 4, was full of energy and felt great. Keep it up and you'll shrink in no time :) looking forward to seeing your success xxx
Hello :) just read through your diary, your doing fab! I reckon I hit ketosis around day 4, was full of energy and felt great. Keep it up and you'll shrink in no time :) looking forward to seeing your success xxx
Thanks for stopping by Sarah. I saw your stats and wow! you have done so well! It's people like you that help me see how successful this can be. Obviously it takes willpower and determination though, so well done you! xx

I've just got changed into some trousers that were uncomfortable tight before Monday- they now fit ok :bliss: (I actually feel like running up and down outside like this, lol!! But i'll restrain myself ;)) haha!!
Glad you are feeling well, I am feeling rubbish again, still no energy and feel really starving and it's day 6 for me, wonder why I'm not feeling any better yet?
Glad you are feeling well, I am feeling rubbish again, still no energy and feel really starving and it's day 6 for me, wonder why I'm not feeling any better yet?
Aw i'm sorry to hear that! Maybe you should start a thread and see if anyone has any ideas? Could you be ill? Maybe it's the changeover from the other one you were doing (lipotrim was it??) to Exante. Are you doing TS? :hug99: Hope your good days are just around the corner xx
Go you in your trousers! :party0049: Hope you're having a fab day 5 :hug99: xx

Wish I could feel/see a difference in mine :D
Day 6 Sorry dear diary for not updating you yesterday! Well, yesterday was not a good day- I had to just get my head down and endure it yesterday! I struggled with a few thought's of 'oh, what the hell am doing this for!?'....and had pretty bad hunger pangs all day. By evening I got the headache from hell! :( even the strongest painkillers didn't shift it despite me drinking enough water to sink the titanic so I just went to bed.
This morning TOTM has arrived! I think that expains the hunger, grumpyness and headache. I hope so anyway, because if everyday were like yesterday I'm going to start dreading waking up.
I'm going to get my morning fluffy coffee and see what today brings. Good luck to you all xx
Hello :) I got Totm my first week and I don't think it helped but at least your getting week 1 and Totm out of the way in one hit and a few more days and you'll be ok :) how much water you drinking? I find that helps with the headaches. xxx
Good morning DL, the exact same thing happened to me yesterday!! (see my diary) How flippin odd is that!! I read somewhere it's because we can store oestrogen in our fat and it's coming out now we're burning it up and upsetting our cycles (or in my case inventing a non existent cycle). I can say I feel much better today, had my bar with 2 pints of water and a coffee this morning and feel quite full with no hunger so that is major progress. I moaned like it was a world championship event yesterday but I feel loads better today. Chin up mrs xx
Lanarkwitch said:
Good morning DL, the exact same thing happened to me yesterday!! (see my diary) How flippin odd is that!! I read somewhere it's because we can store oestrogen in our fat and it's coming out now we're burning it up and upsetting our cycles (or in my case inventing a non existent cycle). I can say I feel much better today, had my bar with 2 pints of water and a coffee this morning and feel quite full with no hunger so that is major progress. I moaned like it was a world championship event yesterday but I feel loads better today. Chin up mrs xx

Thank you lovely ladies xx

Wow, it IS bizzare but that makes sense when you explain about the oestrogen. Yours must have come as complete surprise! Mine wasn't due til at least nxt week, but i'm always glad when I start because I know i'm going to feel good for the next 2 Weeks.
I'm struggling to get my shake down- i'm just not hungry- whoop!
I'm drinking 2-3 litres I'd water a day, but water didn't make a difference to the headache, neither did 1000Mg of paracetamol :-\ I always get a headache when I start totm but this was horrendous.
I just wanted to curl up and die!

On a lighter note I have my mojo back today, and my looser trousers are making me feel fab :)

Here's to a great day for everyone xxxxxx
So glad you are feeling better, I tried on a few bits in my wardrobe today that haven't seen the light of day for about 2 years and although they are not quite wearable they are definitely getting there, so chuffed. I was starting to wonder is this real weight I am losing, but it definitely is and it's noticeable in my face today yeeha!! Really excited about my Wi tomorrow, fingers crossed xxxx
Hey DL, just popped in and so glad your feeling better today. Have a good TS day rodeo queen x.
Awwwww sorry you had such a bad evening DL, hope today's been fab. You're doing so well :hug99: xx
Thanks ladies, today has been MUCH MUCH better than yesterday! I have had such a busy day today the diet has been a breeze :) I'm starting to feel peckish but I still have a bar to eat so I will nibble that through my Saturday night telly :D
I'm doing a Slim and Save day tomorrow with the samples I ordered- i'll let you know how that goes and if they're as nice as Exante xx

Looking forward to your weigh in tomorrow LW, you've been a real encouragement. I know you'll have a fab one!
Glad you're feeling better.
I'm having a soup for my final meal later, but I think a bar is perfect to nibble on during a TV night. Enjoy :)
Let me know how slim and save goes, I might have a think about doing that after my challenge s I'll be out of Exante by then. Have a great day xxx