Total Solution DeterminedLady's TS Diary

:cry:My 13 day run of 100% TS had a blip today! :cry:
As some of you know I was visiting relatives. well...there was food and I had some. I don't really think I went AWOL on it but I did have some. I don't want to go into details but I'm probably out of Keto now! :break_diet:

BUT I just got home to my Exante stallion and i'm on the water and ready to start Exante again right now!

I get knocked down, but I get up again..oh yes! Hope all my exante pals are ok xx
Ah now Determined lady Twasnt Ur fault U cudnt b rude and sure hey how often do ya get 2c dem!! Gr8 admiration gettin back on d wagon immediately Ketosis will b back much quicker than u think! Bet Ul manage a TS day tomoro!!
Aw thanks shoe, that's sweet of you. I wish I could've stayed 100% but just impossible today! Life gets in the way sometimes doesn't it. Nearly 2 weeks down for me and that's half way to my month of doing Exante. If I can keep it to just ONE slip up in a month i'll be laughing :D
Hope you're doing ok chick xx
He huns its not easy even on normal days and you were around lots of temptations and merriment. Don't think its gonna affect WI at all. Glad youv drwn the line already. Get back on it x.
Thanks Busy, I really really hope it doesn't affect my loss this week! :ashamed0005: We shall have to wait and see what the scales have in store for me....... xx
It wont don't worry. x. The hardest part of fallen off is getting back on so dont worry okay. You'll burn it off when your buzzing round doing the cleaning in morning.
Hey DL, don't worry about the slip up, these things happen, I've concluded that I'm more likely to slip off for a drink than food at this stage, but less than 3 weeks to go until my champagne brunch so surely even I can hold out for that!! Crappy losses for me this week, but maybe I'll get a better number next week, one thing is for sure, if I wasn't on Exante I'd be even heavier by now so there is always a positive!!
Hey DL hope your ok and having a good day. I know your not gonna stll be feeling bad about yesterday, and are back on that wild stallion of yours riding out the exante journey like a trooper x.
Dear diary, after yesterday's slip up I firmly got back on track today....with gusto! Had a 100% day and loved it. Hoping the scales will be kind to me tomorrow (when hubby gets them out of their hiding place ;))
I must've downed at least 4 litres today. Will report back it he morning *hopefully* with my new updated stats :-D night night amigos xxxx
:scale: Soooooo, after a bad day Saturday I lost 2lb's, of course i'd have liked it to be about 3 stone but hey ho, it's going to take time ;) lol!

I'm pleased with that because I had Saturday where I fell off my stallion (!) and haven't done much exercise (need to get back to it) I'm going to try Busy's tip and drink lots of green tea today.
Hope you're all getting off to a good day xx

OH AND I'm NOW in the 12's :bliss:
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Good morning DL. Have just read back, sorry you had a bit of a blip but well done on getting straight back on that stallion of yours! :chores016: <- just squint and pretend it's a stallion ;)

:clap: Congrats on the weight loss, 2lbs is a bag of sugar, think how heavy that is! Well done! :hug99: xx
Good morning DL. Have just read back, sorry you had a bit of a blip but well done on getting straight back on that stallion of yours! :chores016: <- just squint and pretend it's a stallion ;)

:clap: Congrats on the weight loss, 2lbs is a bag of sugar, think how heavy that is! Well done! :hug99: xx

Morning giggle! We've missed you!:hug99: Funnily enough that little icon bears an uncanny resemblance to my actual stallion rofl! (thanks for that, made me giggle!!)

It's your WI day today too isn't it? Will hop over to your diary and wait impatiently ;) xx
Haha glad you like it. Thank you had a fab family weekend didn't get chance to pop in here.

No, my weigh in's tomorrow I started a day after you :hug99:
Well done you xx, my little trooper xx.

Your in the 12's...your in the 12's...your in the 12's....your in the in 12's:clap:...Hooray hooray hooray xxxxxxxxxx
The 12's !!:bliss:

Brilliant, well done for getting back on track you star!!

Next week we are all going to have massive losses, maybe not 3 stone but close I'd say LOL
Well, thanks to my amigos on here talking about exercise (Busy, Shoe, giggle, LW and anyone else I forgot, sorry) I dug out my Lycra, squeezed into it and just did a 45 min workout (inc warm up and cool down) phew! It was hard work but I now feel fab. Tired, but fab! Last year I resolved to get fit and was working out nearly every day & I even did the Moonwalk marathon for breast cancer. I totally let myself go towards the end of the year but I now feel a renewed enthusiasm for exercise. Huge thanks my dear friends! :') xxxx