oh yum.....my mom made chutney during the week and i asked her to keep a little jar for me for Christmas, and will have some before i start in the new year again x
made 3 very large kilner jars of blackcurrent jam last night. that was after literally almost cutting down two large bendy willow trees in the back garden. they look nice but wow do they grow fast lol.. the next nice day we have im getting out the saw and they are gone. the trunks are already promised to my work mate lol
so today i got weighed and ive lost 6lbs. i wanted to get to 12 st something before my daughters joint birthday party and should hopefully do it now.....yay!
gym visit and ran 5k on the treadmill. took me 45mins which isnt great but compared to a few weeks ago..well i could have cried i was so happy with myself.
no weigh in for me tomorrow. were off early to bournemouth for my youngest daughters campus visit. shes also wanting to visit portsmouth and bristol in the next few weeks as well so will be running about a bit but you do what you can for your kids dont you shes very much into animation, drawing, design etc and the competition is hot but she got good results with her a-levels this year and is now doing an art and design foundation course for an extra year to get more confidence and extra points towards uni entry..all good stuff but its very full on. she had her first attempt at life drawing two weeks ago and i have to say you could definately see what she was trying to get across lol (lady in the all-together) and it was very good! the sculpture shes doing isnt bad either! ok enough of the proud mummy bit.
so the gym visit yesterday was good. spoke to the instructor (who looks very much like david beckham and its no exageration) so its a pleasure lol and hes wanting me to aim for a 10k again (6 miles) so thats fine, will do that. i dont much enjoy arranged races but the occasional ones ok. my OH and i are doing a 5k in bournemouth in two weeks at night. its all lit up and theres fireworks at the end so im looking forward to it, that and the free tshirt and medal lol
weigh in and lost 4lbs so this takes me to the next stone level, so 12st 13.5 lol (just)
had a good weekend. i picked some blackberries and made a blackberry and apple cake (cut into squares) and froze most of it. went for a 4 mile run with OH and found a huge amount of damsons (2 1/2 lb we picked) so made damson and apple jam last night (masses of it). oh and went to daughters open day at bournemouth uni (discounted) so a very busy but enjoyable weekend
another day. i weighed myself this morning just out of curiosity and it says ive gained so whats going on there!? damn scales. i know you go up and down usually but this isnt a usual diet and im not sure ive ever gained on it before. i know its not a true reading but its offputting. still i suppose i shouldnt have weighed so quickly. ill leave it til friday and then see
out the gym this afternoon after work. doing sprints today which will be hard but rewarding, hopefully.
my shape is definately changing now. ive got definition in my legs, arms and stomach and even though i still have some fat there still its definately going. im really pleased as i know that if you get too large it just wont go back as its like an overstretched spring, so hopefully ive just missed that bit and itll spring back eventually, just gonna keep moving! saying that i know everybody is different and nothing is set in stone its no chore anyway, id forgotten just how much i love it, even if it does eat into your day a bit, who cares! about time i was a bit selfish lol