Hi still at my aunts but what a weekend
I don't speak to my father who was violent as I grew up. He moved near here after my parents divorce to be near his sister.
He had promised my aunt that he wouldn't come over whilst we looked after my grandad but low and behold he turns up!
My sister and I didn't know what to do as we haven't seen him in two years and just kind of looked at each other grabbed my kids and sat in the bedroom.
My grandad came in asking why we were in the bedroom and we told Hom and he went green! Said oh please please don't cause an atmosphere. And started crying. I was feeding Erin and said I'd come out when I had finished.
I did and my dad was in the conservatory with my uncle he went and we started cooking dinner and suddenly heard our uncle having a massive go at our grandad saying ur head of this family u should be sorting this out! Them girls ate rude! They disrespect their father blah blah (I am 32)
So we went in saying basically its none of his business and we are old enough todo what we want blah blah. And it all kicked off. Basically it's come out that my dad wants to take me to court for access to my kids and trust me oh my god trust me I will go to prison to protect my kids from him! He will not come anywhere near them!!!!'
So then y younger cousin came home and he told her to pack her bags nd leave..... No explanation why he was just on the war path. So we sat up till 2 drinking wine. I ha a bottle no dinner haha and just told her what my dad was like as she had no idea!
I already ha put in my diary I was gonna have a bottle of wine and had 10 pp left plus 26 weeklies. So I think with not eating dinner I probably under ate by about 30 pp? Ops
We stayed here as we didn't want it to affect out grandad but we will make the roast for him an go home! I am livid.
We are meant to be going to a zoo as a surpris for my cousins (the one I chatted to) 21st next sat and have paid 65 quid fr te tickets but gonna see if we can get a refund or at least just go off on our own.
It's a shame as my Granadads depresse as Hes scared of dying and mikey had him laughing yesterday ad my he came to the shops with us! And he apparently hadnt been out f the house in over 9 months!!!! We thought we were helping and then all this happens and he takes massive steps back!!!
