ProPoints Diary of a constant dieter who now has a daughter and must loose weight for her!!!!!

Hey dolly really hope everything is ok cos you havnt been on for a while hope nothing bad has happened xxx
Hi guys sorry not been about

Fil had a stroke and still having ongoing tests as his heart rate is astronomically high.
Just been busy with him really.
Didn't stick to diet as wasn't home but back on it as of yesterday.

So tired tho. :(

How are we all? X
Good to hear from you Hun.So sorry to hear about your FIL,hope things soon improve for him,don't worry bout being off plan,I'm sure you've had enough to cope with,take care hun :0)
Thanks sweetie.
I was back on it 100% yesterday. And today so far.
It's so hot isn't it? I'm actually afraid to go out!
Well done for getting back on it Hun,I know what you mean about the heat,I burn quite easily anyhow so am wary of being out in it for too long!
Yea luckily the flat I live in is fairly shaded and the garden part isn't too bad,I just play ball with the dog out there then walk her round the block,too hot to do owt else! Hope you have a good day though Hun :0)
Fatty_no_more said:
Hi guys sorry not been about

Fil had a stroke and still having ongoing tests as his heart rate is astronomically high.
Just been busy with him really.
Didn't stick to diet as wasn't home but back on it as of yesterday.

So tired tho. :(

How are we all? X

So glad to hear from you. Are you ok? I wouldn't worry about anything else at the mo. try and eat fairly healthy tho as youll need your strength. Be brave lovely. You did the right thing gettngi him to a hosp. Thinking of you xxxxx
Thanks guys. He wouldn't go hospital so I had to threaten that he'd never see the kids again!
He's got ongoing tests as his heart rate is high and we have a horrid feeling he knows stuff but not telling us as two weeks ago he rewrote his will including the kids! X
It might just be that he is at the stage in his life where he wants to make sure everything is in order hun,doesn't mean he knows anything.Shame you had to threaten him but thank goodness you did!
Hey Hun glad you are ok. Sorry to hear about your father in law and I hope he will soon be on the mend xx
So glad your ok and pops in law too I think it's a male thing not wanting a fuss but glad he got help hope your ok though too xxx
Hey sweetheart how's things? Really hope you are ok? We are missing you xx
Hi hunny.
Sorry just been back and forth to my in laws and really don't get time to breath at the moment.
Am sticking to it. Which is main thing
Miss u all
Fatty_no_more said:
Hi hunny.
Sorry just been back and forth to my in laws and really don't get time to breath at the moment.
Am sticking to it. Which is main thing
Miss u all

As long as you are ok hun, and just know we are all here if you need us xx
Thinking if you lovely x
Thinking of you lovely. X
Thanks really struggling to get back on it. I was doing so well. Going to meeting tonight as gonna get back on it Tomo. X