Diary of a menopausal Yorkshire lass...

Hi Moira

I think since going to the meeting and focussing all my attention on it this last week, I'm drifting into 'diet' mode rather than sw and eating lots. I do eat far more than I put in my diary (I can't be bothered typing the same old list every day) I've started eating lots of fruit and salad which is all new to me, and I have to say I'm quite enjoying it.

I mainly do green, so I can have 2 hexB.

Corned beef hash (dog food according to Rob) is corned beef, carrots, onions, potatoes all boiled in oxo and mashed to oblivion. I put peas and sweetcorn in it too and anything else I have to hand. You can eat it as a stew, or bake it in the oven so it gets a crispy top, a lot of people have it with fried egg on top. It's very tasty, I have a mountain of it, and apart from the corned beef it's all free.

Thanks for checking on me x :thankyou:
Hi Mandy, Must say corned beef has sounds great to me. Do you just buy a couple or so slices or do you buy the tin. Whatever I fancy it.
Hi Doreen, good to have you back, hope you had a lovely time.
I buy a tin of lean corned beef, it's so simple to make and really tasty.
Friday 14th June

Breakfast - Sultana bran

Lunch - fruity teacake

Dinner - maggi Mexican chicken and baby sw roasties

Snack - popcorn and tomato soup (not together) 2 coffee ice pops

Alcohol - 2 glasses of wine

Not bad for a Friday after a hard week!
Saturday 15th June

Brunch - beans and egg on toast

Dinner - homemade filo sausage and apple roll, actifry chips and carrots

Snacks - 2 x yogurt and 2 x coffee pops

Prolly more to come

Alcohol - drum roll..... 0

I am new super fab sober diet sensation! If I don't lose weight again this week, there will be SUCH a tantrum!
Petit Pois are superfree. For lunch have you thought about either pasta, rice, potato salad & add things like petit pois, grated carrot or cooked/raw onions? That's usually what I have or sometimes noodles with veggies.

I got a bit confused when I saw this so had to double check, but Petit pois are superspeed BUT NOT superfree.......

Three cheers for a booze free Saturday whoop whoop (at least you were dry unlike the Yorkshire weather here eh !) Xx
I got a bit confused when I saw this so had to double check, but Petit pois are superspeed BUT NOT superfree.......

Three cheers for a booze free Saturday whoop whoop (at least you were dry unlike the Yorkshire weather here eh !) Xx

That's what I meant, silly billy, lol, I know what I'm talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning Mandy. How are you getting on ? Think I overdone the Bacardi last night, I'm here trying to remember all the nibbles all evening . Ohhhh ohhhh

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If you want to count the syns, too late now, but maybe for next time, I keep the wrappers nearby so in the morning & can see what I've had. MiL always comes round on a Saturday night with wine & chocs & that is my way of keeping in control.
*Sneaks on hoping nobody notices lack of Sundays dairy*

Monday 17th June

Remaining syns - I owe 27 syns - oops!

All I can say in my defence is all the syns weren't spent on alcohol, I only had 2 glasses of wine, but I had MAJOR munchies. Have started a period after going 3 months, but also got three months worth of PMT. EXTREEM grumpiness, stomach ache, mood swings, munchies etc, etc...
The fog has now lifted and my husband and cats have lived to tell the tale, so now we have mahoosive damage limitation before Wednesdays weigh in.

Breakfast - Sultana bran and milk

Lunch - Ryvitas and laughing cow light

Dinner - haddock and chips

Salad, fruit and veg in copious amounts is also involved.

Will be so miffed if I've buggered everything up!
Tuesday 18th June

Tis the day before weigh in...
Well, it's a bright and sunny morning and my raging hormones are back under control. Rob has unpacked his suitcase and the cats have ventured out from under the sofa, all is calm and quite in my chubby little world.
I'm going to have another treat free day to try and make up for Sundays super binge, and hopefully I might get a little loss, or at the very least no gain tomorrow.

Breakfast - Sultana bran and milk

Lunch - Ryvita and laughing cow (I was amazed how much I enjoyed it yesterday!)

Dinner - It's Tuesday, so it's pasta bake day (some things are carved in stone)

I'll be having salad with lunch and tea, and I've a couple of pears to much on through the day.