Diary of a menopausal Yorkshire lass...

Hi Mandy - just popping on to say Hi, don't worry too much about Sunday (or maybe we should rename it Synday??) back to it now- it's the only way:p

Impressed at your fruit / salad intake - especially as I remember you're not a salad/veg gal :D

Good luck for tomorrow
Hi I joined this site yesterday and have just found your thread. I started on SW online last Thursday, weighing in at 13st 13lbs (my heaviest ever!!!!!). I weighed myself yesterday to put my current weight on my profile and had lost 4lbs :). Have done SW in past when I needed to get rid of few pounds. Also done WW. OMG sound like a serial dieter. Started on WW again but got bored counting points and weighing everything so thought I'd give SW a go again and so far so good although it's really early days. I'm doing EE and finding it ok, not hungry and no cravings. My downfall is that we are in France at the moment and I do like an apero before dinner so I use 2.5 points for a small pineau and 7 points for nibbles but avoiding the wine. Did have scone with cream and jam on Saturday but will still be within the 105 weekly syns :fingerscrossed:
Hi Claire - lol at synday - it sure was!
I've been trying out the theory that if you eat something 20 times, you start enjoying it - IT'S WRONG!
My veg isn't very varied unless I hide it in something (think I'm 48 going on 8) and my salad tends to be mixed leaves, grated carrot and onions. I really can't do cucumber and tomatoes, which is odd really because I love tomato everything, I just can't stomach the little blighters 'neat'.
How are you getting on?

Hi CLB! Lucky you living in France *jealous*. Well done on joining slimming world, you've made a really good start! Keep up the good work x
Hi Mandyboo I found you :D
"Synday" - what a lovely idea!!
Ok, I know it's wi tomorrow, and I know I should be being good.
It was lovely and warm when I got home, and I'd had a busy day and my cat forced me out into the garden with him, INSISTING that I took a little voddy with me, then when I went back in I was assaulted by a bar of oreo dairy milk that wouldn't get back into the fridge until I'd had a bit...
I only had one bit honest!
I guess wi won't be good :eek:
Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow. Sometimes I think you have to succumb and have little treats.
Ha well it can't be as bad as me. I've eaten almost half a bag of cadbury treat sized fudge, curly wurlys and chomp bars. Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow x
Morning all
My syns were obliterated on Sunday unfortunately. I might pop into sainsburys later and get some of that lager.
My poor cat gets blamed for everything, it's not surprising the poor lad has a heart condition.
You're my sort of girl Missa!
Wednesday 19th June

The day has come...
Really hope I don't get a gain this week, in the scheme of things I haven't been that bad.
I'm spending the day in the garden doing some much needed tidying, so with any luck I might burn a bit of blubber off. Then wi at 5.30.

Breakfast - muller and oats

Lunch - shepherd's pie and carrots

Dinner - sw chilli
Here`s hoping you lose tonight Mandy. That was so clever of your cat to get you to have a voddy.
Hope to hear from you later. Too late to wish you good luck but I do anyway.
How did your weigh-in go Mandyboo?
Morning all
I didn't make it to wi last night, my Mum had a car accident at lunch time so I was at the hospital with her most of the day. Fortunately she's only bruised which is a miracle as she's written her car off and the parked one she hit! On my way there now to help her get up, then police are going for a statement at 10. Catch you later x
Mandy so sorry to hear that. Glad your Mum not hurt yoo much. It is a very traumatic experience.

Take care. Wish her better.