What a morning I had!
Woke up bang on 9, and got straight up! No kisses or cuddles, boyfriend probs thought i had wet myself! Ha, creeped straight to the kitchen and had to start the veg for my FIRST ATTEMPT at the slow cooker! And also throw some linda mccartney sausages in the oven for our breakfast.
So i cut up the onion, ( window wide open so last nights make up didn't run as i quite liked how my eyes looked!) popped that in, then chopped up the meat ( didn't realise you could put it in whole!) peeled a turnip and cut myself in the process, then chopped it up, peeled carrots chopped them up, peeled parsnips, chopped them up and threw all them in. Then just as i put the bacon in the pan for our breakfast, the boyfriend pops his head in the door ' did you brown off the meat first?' 'WHAT?!' so, knowing that old fussy pants would be paranoid if the meat wasnt browned off, i put the bacon in a snaller frying pan, took all the veg out the slow cooker and then started to brown off the meat, while cutting up mushrooms and peeling potatos.the work of a woman is never done!!!! Shot the meat back in the slow cooker, all the veg and what not,washed the pan, then refrylighted it, put the bacon in, some mushrooms, fried an egg, put beans in the microwave, while mixing some oxo in cold water to put in the slow cooker!!! Breakfast turned out alright but the bacon was a smidge burnt, at least it was all syn free!
The reason we were rushing so much was because we were at the hosp at 11 for boyfriend to get his pesky wisdom tooth taken out.
We eventually got there and they were lovely. Im certainly going to be keeping an eye out for dental nurse jobs at the hospital from now on!
Tooth popped out fine, though boyfriend milked it ' aw im poorly'
' youve had a tooth taken out not a foot chopped off!!!!'
But i waa sympthatic with him as i made sure the clot was forming and everything like that!
Anywhoo we came home, attempted to watch Beetlejuice but boyfriend didnt like it!
So i decided to get rest of tea ready.
Steamed cabbage, leeks, broccili, sprouts and cauliflower and made up some mash too. Then poured the slow cooker stuff over it. Deeeliscious!!!!! So proud of myself its turned out amazing!!
Getting weighed tomorrow but not finding out how i have done.
100% more exericse needed this week, 0 secret eating, and lot more focusing!!
Betty x