Ewfffffff. what. a. day.
Started it off at 2 in the morning walking like i was a zombie to go for a wee. And to also stop me from throwing up! I woke up feeling soooooo so so so sick! but amazingly i managed not to be! i slowly walked back to the bed and tried to sleep again. Only to be woke up half an hour later by the boyfriend rushing to the loo, followed by lots of glorious sounds you want to hear at half two in the morning i quickly established he at the squits. fantastic. So I was in and out of sleep wriggling around like ants were in my pants all night while my boyfriend was in and out of bed faster that usain bolt!! there was ONE perk though. I must have managed to drift off to a decent snooze when i woke up at 6.30 to the boyf getting back into bed. 'whey finally your awake! look down at your side on the floor' and i look, and there, bless him, was a muller light yoghurt, spoon, pear and a cup of tea in a flask! awwwwww! i didn't have the heart to tell him i'm not wild enough to have a yoghurt AND a pear for breakfast!
When i finally left my poorly bear i headed to work in a weird mood. I felt sicky and gooey and just a bit flat. and fat.
Work was busy with lots of patients, and dinner time came by. My mam popped in to see me, she told me about an article she read about underactive thyroids, and how the fat is mainly stored on the back and the arms. Well my arms could easily feed a family of 20 ( i remember someone saying i must be a beast cause my arms were huge. i had to tell them that was my bingo wings, not muscle!) and my back boobs need new bras every other flaming month! apprently it also said stay away from broccili and cabbage. NO. i have that most the time. i will not stay away from it!
Anywhoo dinner was a mugshot and an apple and a muller....and two wafer bars.. 5syns each!
The afternoon was busy too... and all i could think about was this diet. How well i had done, and how i had ruined it. How this week i'm wanting to lose weight yet i STILL havnt done any exercise. Now the boyfriend is getting a loan it looks like we will be going on our jollies in September. which means i now have an aim. ive never really had a genuine real life aim before but now i do. i want to lose 3stone by September. then i got angry again thinking how i lost 2stone in 8 weeks last time and what not. Thinking about everything i could be doing but work gets in the way! i must have looked odd as one of the nurses asked if i was alright and gave me a hug. i felt fine. weird but fine. then the practice manager told me i looked sad. thanks..now i do feel sad!!
when i got home the pork was in. My Dad gave me a great slab of pork last week, we defrosted it last night and with the boyfriend off work it meant he could put it in at 3.30. i was hoping he would just pop it in. but no, he salted it!!! cracklingggg!!! nooooo!!!!
while i was waiting for the yummy pork to cook i had one of them mini bars (4.5syns..now means i had 14.5syns)
when pork was done and resting ( and id picked majority of crackling off... 17syns?!...bringing total to 31!!!) we cooked the rest. we had mashed turnip and carrots, steammed cabbage, broccili ( f you article!) , sprouts, potatos, red onion, cauliflower, leeks and fried mushrooms with oxo gravy. it was gorgeous and very filling!
I dont have many syns left for this week. and im really panicing about another gain..tomorrow night is really worrying me with the girls. i must resist pizza and only have chicken kebab!!
i also hardly drank any water today, or anything at all infact!
im going to go to gym tomorrow after work then come home and tidy up ready for the girls coming round. hopefully gym it saturday too.
i like how i am doing syns weekly as i dont feel as guilty, but it does make me feel even more guilty about not exercising!!!
i hope it is a loss or maintain this week!!!!
Betty x