Its now Monday & I am just updating as I don't really access internet at home!!!! Well its been another quick week - they are flying in too quick. Went bowling on the 4th. Had dinner before I went out and I was not planning on drinking as was driving (I live out in the 'sticks' 25miles away from bowling). I had a bottle of water but it did not bother me as I am not much of a drinker. Had a great night and it was spoke about making it into a regular thing!!! Got home about 1030pm so all in all not too late!
04.05.2012 – Green Day?
Syns for the day 14
Syns for the week 23
Breakfast - WW Yogurt; Banana; Weetabix Oaty Bar (HEx B1)
; Black Coffee
Snack – Melon; Cherry & Cinnamon Tea
Lunch – Apple; Mug Shot; Cold Ham (HEx B2); Hot Water / Juice
Snack – 2 x Satsuma
Dinner – Tomato & Herb Pasta; 3 x Babybel (HEx A)
Snack – Phillie Choc (4.5); 2 x Tea Biscuits (4)’Oddities (5.5)
The 5th accounted for me not doing very much. At the moment I have no motivation to do anything - didnt help that when I got up @ 6 to feed the cats it was snowing!!!! Did clear up but was still freezing; I did however get a washing out. I think I may need to start taking something to perk me up a bit as I am so tired all the time and not wanting to do anything. On a more positive note other half got back from working away

At night I was going out with the MIL & SIL to the bingo for a party night which includes the meal but the menu does not show cals and none of the menu is online anywhere to check. I had planned on having a Ham Casserole or tomato risotto as I thought this would be the better options BUT the menu had changed

Ended up getting the Veg Chilli allowing me to stay on Green Day and I matched it with Wetherspoons 5 bean chilli which is only 6 syns on Green Day so all in all worked out good and again I had the car and was not drinking which was lucky as the others were drinking like fish and downing shots (this would have been majorly bad for the diet AND my head the next day!!!!).
05.05.2012 – Green Day?
Syns for the day 12
Syns for the week 35
**Syned this as Wetherspoons Veg Chilli with Taco Crisps & Sour Cream
Lunch – 2 x Egg; Bacon; Tin Plum Tomatoes
Snack – 3 x Babybel (Hex A); Weetabix Oaty Bar (HEx B)
**Dinner – Veg Chilli (Mecca Bingo) (6)
Snack – 3 x After Eights (6)
Today was another day of doing nothing. OH went golfing so I sat & caught up on the TV Planner, could have been doing so much more as the house needed tidying and hovered etc, floors needed washed; all the usual household chores but nothing got done!!! I really need to get my act together - any ideas people? Throw them at me and I will take them onboard!!! Got the Drs next week so I may ask him - thinking I may be slightly depressed? Anyhoo, went food shopping then made dinner. Had not been going to make the meringue and curd but thought what the hell and gave it a bash!! Obviously not as good as bought meringue or one made with sugar but it was edible, really chewy on the outside and soft (not crumbly in the middle), may not make again in a rush and the yellow tinge kind of puts you off!!! The Lemon Curd though - different story - this was lovely and I could have sat with a bowl and spoon and just had that with the skooshy cream!!!! Prepped lunch for 'today' and ironed clothes. Watched some BGT and the Voice then bed!!! Not a productive day :sigh:
06.05.2012 – Red Day?
Syns for the day 13.5
Syns for the week 48.5
Lunch – 2 x Egg; Bacon; Tin Plum Tomatoes; Mushrooms
Snack – Banana; 2 x After Eights (4); Weetabix Oaty Bar (HEx Ba)
Dinner – Lentil Cheddar Bake with Bacon/Chicken (RF Cheese (HEx A) & Lentils (Hex B2))
Pudding – Syn Free Lemon Meringue Pie & syn free Lemon Curd. Skooshy Cream (4)
Snack – Oddities (5.5)