:sad0071:Hi clarri, thanks for checking in on me today. I really appreciate the hug too, its very sweet, just wish I had someone to hug in real-life, guess my teddy will have to do. :sigh:
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement ladies, it does mean a lot to me that I can let some things off my chest and know that you won't think me silly. I cried while reading them, it just all came out of me and I couldn't stop for a while. I haven't taken offense to the comments made about what I am eating, thats why I started the food diary to maybe see where I am going wrong. I am really trying the best I can with what I have at home. I am currently not working because my mum needs me at home so the food I can choose from is what my dad wants to buy and its not always healthy or consistent. I am lucky to get the salad, and crackers etc. I can't bring myself to eat a lot of the food he cooks anymore because its not very healthy and lacks in the fruit and veg department. I suppose its not his fault he does the best he can with what little he has and since mum has stepped away from the role as head of the household, its hard to keep up with the way she used to do it.
Although I am eating less, I think I am getting used to it now, because I am really not as hungry as I was getting a few months ago, which is a good thing.
I would consider joining a slimming club except that right now, because I am not working, I don't have a single penny to my name, I barely manage to borrow £25 a month for my phone bill from my brothers. At the moment its just not possible really. Thats why I have been trying to do it by myself, I can't even afford to join a gym so I try to do what exercises I can at home.
I am sorry for ranting on about things that I might not have explained too well its just that my home life is so complicated its hard not to get down when I keep thinking about the situation we are stuck in and have been for ages and never feels like there is anyway out. Its so hard to stay positive especially when everyone and everything around me is so negative, thats why I joined this forum, for support and guidance and a little friendly chat. I am not too upset about the diet if I am honest and at least I have not been compelled to binge or comfort eat which is a big thing for me. Its my life that gets me down. Its one of the reasons why I decided to go on a diet and exercise, I thought that at least it would be one thing I would be able to change and control and help me feel better about myself really.
I am sorry I will try and snap out of this slump, its just that I am sad with life at the moment, I just have to try and pick myself up again, like always.
If you managed to get through all that, thank-you so much for taking the time.
Today is Tuesday 29th July 2008
Breakfast: Bowl of Cornflakes with semi-skimmed milk, an apple and one of those probiotic yoghurt drinks.
Lunch: Cucumber and chicken sandwich, a banana, and a Clementine, a glass of cranberry and raspberry juice.
Dinner: Admirals fish pie, frozen mixed veg, a glass of light cola. A couple slices of cherry and sultana cake.
I tried to eat more fruit today, I got dad to buy me some Clementines, and sultanas, a change from just apples and bananas.
I took Mac out for about an hour this morning in total and then again this evening for about 20 minutes.
Haven't felt like doing much else. I have been quite weepy today and I am not even hormonal either. :cry:
Not too good a day mood wise, in the early hours of this morning my youngest brother's dad had an accident on his bicycle. He has dislocated his shoulder,but they can't set it right for two weeks until they know the full damage, he has a huge bump on his noggin and his knee too. Silly man, I feel really sorry for him, he is a bit bewildered today, he is taking it easy in his bedroom.
Still feeling rubbish, really hoping that tomorrow my mood is better and that I can stop whining to you guys.
Thanks for your support.
Love Gemma
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement ladies, it does mean a lot to me that I can let some things off my chest and know that you won't think me silly. I cried while reading them, it just all came out of me and I couldn't stop for a while. I haven't taken offense to the comments made about what I am eating, thats why I started the food diary to maybe see where I am going wrong. I am really trying the best I can with what I have at home. I am currently not working because my mum needs me at home so the food I can choose from is what my dad wants to buy and its not always healthy or consistent. I am lucky to get the salad, and crackers etc. I can't bring myself to eat a lot of the food he cooks anymore because its not very healthy and lacks in the fruit and veg department. I suppose its not his fault he does the best he can with what little he has and since mum has stepped away from the role as head of the household, its hard to keep up with the way she used to do it.
I would consider joining a slimming club except that right now, because I am not working, I don't have a single penny to my name, I barely manage to borrow £25 a month for my phone bill from my brothers. At the moment its just not possible really. Thats why I have been trying to do it by myself, I can't even afford to join a gym so I try to do what exercises I can at home.
I am sorry for ranting on about things that I might not have explained too well its just that my home life is so complicated its hard not to get down when I keep thinking about the situation we are stuck in and have been for ages and never feels like there is anyway out. Its so hard to stay positive especially when everyone and everything around me is so negative, thats why I joined this forum, for support and guidance and a little friendly chat. I am not too upset about the diet if I am honest and at least I have not been compelled to binge or comfort eat which is a big thing for me. Its my life that gets me down. Its one of the reasons why I decided to go on a diet and exercise, I thought that at least it would be one thing I would be able to change and control and help me feel better about myself really.
I am sorry I will try and snap out of this slump, its just that I am sad with life at the moment, I just have to try and pick myself up again, like always.
If you managed to get through all that, thank-you so much for taking the time.
Today is Tuesday 29th July 2008
Breakfast: Bowl of Cornflakes with semi-skimmed milk, an apple and one of those probiotic yoghurt drinks.
Lunch: Cucumber and chicken sandwich, a banana, and a Clementine, a glass of cranberry and raspberry juice.
Dinner: Admirals fish pie, frozen mixed veg, a glass of light cola. A couple slices of cherry and sultana cake.
I tried to eat more fruit today, I got dad to buy me some Clementines, and sultanas, a change from just apples and bananas.
I took Mac out for about an hour this morning in total and then again this evening for about 20 minutes.
Haven't felt like doing much else. I have been quite weepy today and I am not even hormonal either. :cry:
Not too good a day mood wise, in the early hours of this morning my youngest brother's dad had an accident on his bicycle. He has dislocated his shoulder,but they can't set it right for two weeks until they know the full damage, he has a huge bump on his noggin and his knee too. Silly man, I feel really sorry for him, he is a bit bewildered today, he is taking it easy in his bedroom.
Still feeling rubbish, really hoping that tomorrow my mood is better and that I can stop whining to you guys.
Thanks for your support.
Love Gemma
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