Oooh its lovely to have a proper day off, after all the shifts I have done over the last 12 days, but it will all be worth it next week when I have the extra time off over the BH for Leeds and Nottingham.
Well I went to B+M today in Port Talbot, but they didnt have any of the slimfast bars which are on special offer. I then went into Tesco, and they didnt have the raspberry one. One of the lads in work last night went to Asda, and they didnt have the Strawberry and Yogurt one.
Looks like I will be using healthy meals rather than bars once these shakes have gone, as I couldnt possibly use just chocolate bars all the time, much as they are nice, I need a bit of variety and I also wouldnt pay for the BL bars, I would rather have a bowl of Rant over.....
Food today.
B - 2 rashers of bacon, 1 poached egg.
L - 1 boiled egg. Small cube of cheese. 1 yogurt. 2 Custard Creams.
D - WW meal. 3 ginger nuts.
We popped into the pub today on the way back from town and I had a pint of lager (first time in I really enjoyed it with a bag of cheese and onion crisps.
* Handful of red/green grapes
*15 chocolate raisins.
Having a vodka tonight, well deserved and I will try and eat better tomorrow. Been lazy today really.