♥3 Years Maintaining♥
I'd rather gain a few pounds than be smoking for the rest of my life ... wouldnt you
?! :giggle:
I'd rather gain a few pounds than be smoking for the rest of my life ... wouldnt you?! :giggle:
Well done on all the exercise. For someone who didnt exercise at all before your doing very well. Keep it up. Im sure you will get hours of fun and exercise out of the wii with your grandson its a great party game as well, christmas is always about the wii in my house haha!
Still off the smokes though - feeling great about that.
:wow: a whole month of no smoking!!You really are a trooper mary!
Hear what ya saying about fresh start jan and all that - just dont go ott (not that you would) and all should be gravy!!
And omg! My farm takes me like half an hour to do everytime!!!! I'm trying to get all the stars on everything that takes 1 day or more then guna work on the stuff that takes just a few hours - i swear i do more work on that farm than at my actual job!!![]()
Glad to see you are keeping ok though my love - keep up the no smokingxxxxxx