Evening both, sorry I havent been on here today, but only got on the computer once this afternoon before bed and that was spent doing my farming
Edit on yesterdays food - Ooh wait a minute, let me polish my halo

well I actually only had 2 and a half glasses of red wine.
You are right Jan, this new 40's

club is fantastic. Loving every minute of it. Tanya, dont worry about inspiring me to have some wine, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Day 14 - Woooop wooooooop, no thoughts on smoking, no cravings, feeling brilliant.
Foodwise, not bad either.
Left this morning for a hospital appointment, so didnt have time for breakfast, only had 2 cups of tea before leaving.
On the way back from the Hospital, we had to go and see the youngest Daughter, so I knew I couldnt go till 1pm before food, so we popped into Sainsburys, but the restaurant was closed for refurbishment, so I picked the sort of best option I could.
Ham and mustard sandwich, on oatmeal bread. 287 calories. Packet of quavers 87 calories. Small bottle of orange juice, 106 calories. Sort of used this as a brunch.
1 Banana and a small glass of milk before bed this afternoon.
Dinner was tuna salad, half a tin of tuna, lite mayo, small spoon of sweetcorn, boiled egg, salad and pickles.
Evening snack jar of cockles and apple.
Supper in work, have brought a packet of super noodles and a chicken and leek cup-a-soup to have about midnight.
4 eucalyptus sweets - these are nearly finished now, its the bag of sweets I bought to go on holiday to suck on the plane

2 tangerines.