Evening ladies, gent & Sarah
Well I shall be glad to go to work tomorrow for a rest lol! It's been such a busy day!
We went to church as normal, but as it was communion today we had 2 ladies to give lifts to. Dot, who's in her 80's, comes with us every week but Gladys (in her 90's) only comes once a month on communion weeks. So we didn't take Suki today as it would have been a bit of a squash.
The service was nice, and we had coffee in the church afterwards. And I had some lovely comments from a number of people there on my weight loss, always guaranteed to put me in a good mood lol!
When we got home, I made an onion salad and a mint and cucumber raita to go with the curries I'd made yesterday. Then I decided it would be a good idea to make some low protein flat breads for Dan as he'd said he'd like to try them.
What a mistake
that was! OMG! Such a fiddly messy think to do! I got flour all over the place...the cooker, the work top, the floor, even me from head to toe lol!!! But he enjoyed them so I suppose it was worth it!
Dessert was supposed to be fresh raspberries but when I opened up the punnets they were all mouldy

Not amused! But as it happened I needn't have bothered worrying cos when I went back into the dining room to see what they all wanted as a replacement, all the boys had b*ggered off to the lounge to watch the rugby...leaving me with all the mess to clear up!

Thankfully Vicki and Matt came to my rescue, but it still took us an hour to get all cleared away. And I missed most of the match too, but we won so I suppose that's the important thing.
Then I had to attack the cupboards in the utility room as they were bursting at the seams, and I wanted to put Dans prescription food in them, which was spread out all over the work top in there. So I set about doing that, and 3 loads of washing in between, whch took me another hour and a half!
And now I'm here at last...but a bit distracted cos Masterchef Australia is on which you probably all know by now I love!
Todays Food EE
2 x wm toast (B)
butter (2)
sw curry
chutney (3)
onion salad
few raspberries & pineapple with yoghurt (1)
G&T (3)
milky coffee (A)
Total syns (so far):- 9
Catch you later guys! xxx