Im glad everything went well today, if its any small consolation our girls were told they wouldn't be tupee'd over, but the commissioners worked hard and got it for them the only things they missed out was the nhs pension but they had a Scottish widows one made available to them, and that unison will not be recognised but i know they have kept them on as its still good to have someone to talk to when they have disputes. Hope it helps a little, and everything works out best for you in the end xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Emma, & thanks hunni x It's really all so up in the air atm and nobody can give us any proper answers for quite some time
We feel so let down by management...been running around like headless chickens trying to provide a good service under dire conditions...and what were management doing? Obviously not enough!
East Midlands Ambulance Service loses £20m contract to transport non-emergency patients - Health - Northampton Chronicle & Echo
You guys are certainly having a pigging time of it.... So sorry to hear about the work situation.
I know from experience just how much insomnia effects your day to day life and I honestly think you should get signed off for a week or two. Then you will be able to fit some well needed rest in to your day.
Big hugs xxx
Hello Shrinki, thanks for saying hi x. The sleep thing is a real problem now :sigh: I haven't slept properly for 3 or 4 years , but the last few weeks have been ridiculous!

The docs is a last resort...I've never had to take meds to help me cope or take time off...I've always managed beforehand
Dawnie - work situation sounds really pants. Although good to hear that Gwyn's surgeon is hopeful.
I know you will get through all this chica - you are one strong lady. But we're all here for you when you need us.
I hate disolving stitches - they never disolve on me either. I had an op 5 years ago and after 10 days things were so infected that they had to remove them too. Hugs to your mum that this is now sorted out.
((( Big Hugs ))) :bighug: to you all.
Thanks Bev x I'll be fine x Hit a bit of a downer last night...probably cos I was so tired x And it had been a stinking day :sigh:
Oh Dawn, when is it ever going to stop?!
I hope your mum's wounds manage to heal soon and she feels brighter in herself. Bless Gwyn staying brave for you. I guess we just have to pray the op goes well and they manage to get the little blighter out. Poor him.
As for your work, it's a flipping joke but it probably isn't a bad idea keeping your eye open for any jobs that crop up elsewhere. It's pretty poor if you don't get union coverage still. Can they do that?
You need to look after yourself though honey and if you continue not sleeping then something has to give. Maybe you do need to be signed off work for a bit. Give yourself one less thing to fit in to the day.
Hope you have a lovely day with the not nice Sarah!!
Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Haha thanks Penny, and thanks for your texts last night and this made me chuckle
Unfortunately, on the job front, we have been told that our cover with Unison will end on the day we're tupe'ed they're not going to e much use to us then!
Already reducing the distance, and blaming Sassy's teeth (that's a new excuse). Meanwhile as I sit here, housebound in a wind-whipped, rain-lashed icy northeastern tundra - looking out of the window I would kill to be out walking.
Look forward to the pics!
Pics are goin on hunni!!!
Only 3 I'm afraid...cos us serious walkers can't hang about taking snaps you know!
But I think we more than made up for it by phoning you, didn't we???
Hi Dawn, just catching up on your diary hunni, sorry to hear you are having such a bad time
I'm not sleeping at the mo either - not funny is it? Funnily enough though I don't feel exhausted - I feel more like this:

Even when I close my eyes they are like this behind my eyelids!
You need to take care of yourself though hun - I agree you may need to give in and have some time off. I know it goes against the grain but you need the rest.
Hugs & love from Ali xx
Thabks Ali...sorry to hear you're having similar problems. In fact there seems to be an awful lot of people on here who are up till the early hours
At least we can always find someone to talk to here no matter what the time is xx
Dawn, your poor Mum, but hopefully now she will heal quickly. I'm another one who's body never seems to disolve the stitches
Good luck for Gwyn xx My mum had a malignant melanoma removed from her shin, and had to have a skin graft, but like you said, if they can get it all in one go, and just be left with the scar, that's good.
Your work situation sounds appalling!
Hi Lynne, sorry to hear your mum had to have a similar op x I really hope they can just get the bl**dy thing out and that be the end of it x
Hugs for you, your mum and Gwyn.
It annoys me that they can rip up our work contracts and we can't do anything about it yet if we do something wrong we get fired for breaking our contract. How the hell does that work.
If you feel like you need time off then go for it. You've enough to worry about at home without stupid work.
Isn't it frustrating Tilly!!!
It's all so bl**dy one sided! We' don't stand a chance!
I'm glad that the surgeon is optimistic about Gwyn, and so sorry about the job situation - pants! Unison are a huge union and will have to be involved surely? Or am I just being naive? hugs Dawn. xxxx
Hi Bess, tbh we haven't seen or heard much from the unions so I'm not holding out much hope x
I'm so much happier now we've met the surgeon and he seems confident he can sort Gwyn out xxx
Dawnie :bighug: :bighug:
Where is it on Gwyn? Gary's Aunty just had one removed from above her eye and apparently they've done a brilliant job

I havent seen her since her little op but know shes doing well.
Job - not sure what to say huni other than basically it sucks. If you need a week or so off then go for it sweets. You don't owe them anything and you need a little space to get your head around stuff.
Have another :bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Jackie xxx
Gwyns tumour is on his cheekbone, so not a lot of flesh there, and Gwyn isn't a big guy anyway. But they know what they're doing don't they...just have to trust them xx
Hope Garys aunty is ok hunni, and thanks for being so lovely xxx
You are a truly, lovely person Dawn. With all you have going on in your life and you can still take the time to do that for someone else xxxxxxx
I am sorry you have felt so poorly and that you are not sleeping............. everything you have going on at present and in the past year, you have gone through too much and coped so well, adds up to your body and your mind rebelling. Time to take care of YOU !!!!
I can not believe the cavalier way you are being treated and work and I do not understand how a union can not be recognised. What happened to democracy ??
Dawnie I think you are super special and I am so proud you are my cyber daughter
Aww Mumsie xxx
I wish you were here! :needhug: I'm so fed up of coping :sigh: I'll be fine...I'll go up to bed now and see if I can sleep. It's tempting to have a glass of wine or something but I really don't want to start going down those lines. I'm ok...and Sarah is always about if I need her...we're fast turning into best friends
Luv ya Mumsie xxx
hi dawn was half way through a post and it went off into cyber-space grrrr was saying sorry to hear about ur job my last place of work was taken over we were told our jobs would be safe then they ruddy closed it down and made us redundant the uncertainty is awful we were left dangling for 3 months i hope ur situation turns out a lot better than mine did. hope ur mum's wound heals ok now and good luck for gwyn that he gets a positive result, u really r going through the mill at the moment it's no wonder u can't sleep try taking some nytol in a blue box i buy the one where ur supposed to take 2 but i take 1 and sleep like a baby :4635: big hug dawn xx :bighug:xx
Hi Valerie,
You hear a lot of this...promises made and then broken within weeks!
The uncertainty of it all is going to drive us all loopy over the next few weeks!
Blue box Nytal...thanks hunni I'll get some tomorrow x
Has to be lower in syns than than gin or wine lol!
Anyway, evening/morning ladies and Steve, and Sarah xxx
Good news today/yesterday!...Gwyns operation is next Thursday so we're over the moon with that

They could have done him this Thursday but I think it was just a bit too quick for Gwyn so he's going in next week, 09.00hrs. And it's the start of my week off which is fab so I'll be able to look after him

I know it's close to Christmas but who cares? We just want to put this all behind us x
I had a really lovely time with Sarah on our walk. She picked me up and we did a very nice country walk incorporating some of the Castle Ashby estate
Welcome to Castle Ashby Gardens . And it didn't rain...although it was very windy! We ended up at a beautiful little tea room called The Buttery
Welcome to The Buttery Restaurant, where we celebrated our 6 mile trot with a big bowl of carrot and coriander soup and a brown roll...yummy.
Sarah...thanks for a great morning, for the walk, for the chat, for the laughs, and for being so damn nice despite your numerous, persistent yet futile claims
not to be Sorry!!!
For tea we had the sw microwave spinach and lentil dahl which was absolutely gorgeous as always! to bed now to try to get some sleep...wish me luck!