Im wondering whether its a hairball, its that time of year, i swear i see a new dog everyday on my floor!
Hope she gets well soon and stops waking you up!x
Thanks Emma x I hadn't thought of that actually. She finally had some food today as she's not been eating properly so I'm hoping thats a good sign x
Looks like you had a great time and you all look fabulous! Xxx
Lol, thanks Shrinki! We don't look too shabby do we?
2 hours sleep??!!! You poor thing. I don't know how you manage to stay awake and function. I had 7 hours sleep and I'm feeling tired today!!! Don't think I'm in a position to complain.
Poor suki too. Hope she is ok and doesnt have to go to the vets. It is good she doesn't seem poorly with it and is still up to mischief. Those photos of her in the snow are adorable.
So this tattoo of yours... Sounds like you don't want something small then? Is it not meant to be painful? Ouch ouch just thinking about all those mini injections. Do you have a favourite flower or one that symbolises something personal to you? I'm far from artistic or creative so can't really offer much assistance on ideas. What does your daughter think?
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Hi Penny, not too sure on the size or type of flower, but I don't want a tiddly little thing! Made the mistake of looking at some Youtube vids today of people having does look a bit painful!

I don't think Vickis too interested in it tbh! It's her 4 yr anniversary of her first date with her fiance so they're out for a meal!
Hi Dawn,
Looks like you had a lovely day at the weekends. And Suki has grown loads, bless her. Hope she is feeling better.
Hope your keeping well.
Hi Bexy!!!
Wow...great to see you back! You've been missed!
Yes, lovely weekend thank you. Just a shame it passed so blooming quickly!
Hope Suki is okay Dawn

they do this sometimes, not sure why really and if shes happy and bouncy obviously nothing too iffy. Eating too much snow perhaps

sounds silly but Carla does and its cold on their little bellies ??
Hope you rest today, 2 hours sleep

:bighug: xxxxx
Thanks Jackie x Yes I think Sukis a little better now as she's had her first proper meal since Friday

She has eaten a lot of snow recently, and she's still a pup really, so it's possible it's upset her tummy. Thanks for that xxx
Isn't it amazing that you can mention something on here and more often than not, someone has an idea or solution for you!
My pleasure DD. Just a very small thank you to you and Sarah for both of you always being there for me and for all those ooks and magazines
Have a good day DD................ XXXX
No thanks needed Mumsie, you know that
Found your diary!!
Well hello there Jess & thanks for stopping by!!!!
Morning Dawn,
Fab photos of you meet and fur ball Suki in the snow!
Thanks Lynne :thankyou:
Tatoo suggestion
Sunderland FC Football Club Tattoos, Tattoo Designs, Tattoo Pictures, Tattoo Gallery
Much snow down there Dawn? - I know an friend of my Dad's posted some pics on his blog today and there was a lot of snow - he's in Northants too.
None at all here - like a mild place at present...hurrah!
Evening Stevie :wavey:
Thank you for that very thoughtful and incredibly useful tattoo link
quite what I was looking for but ...erm...still lovely all the same thanks
There's still quite a bit of snow on the ground. As you know, our estate doesn't see much traffic so the side roads are taking a while to clear, but the main roads are fine now
Glad to hear yours has gone now

Let's hope that's the end of it
Hi all x
I'll keep this fairly short as my eyes are really sore from not sleeping last night
Today I did one of the jobs I'm always putting off and that's cleaning the fridges! I hate doing that! I hate all the horrible sludgey bits of lettuce and cucumber and stuff which somehow manages to fall to the bottom and rot :yuk:
Anyway, I was very brave and got the job done. And of course the sheets on our bed had to be washed as Suki had boffed on them...and we only changed them on Sunday!
Then I made a sw roulade which turned out to be one of the best I've ever had! I put some frozen (defrosted!) cherries in the filling and it was gorgeous!
And this afternoon I've been looking at pictures of tattoos lol!
So, here's my food...I'm off to make a coffee x Hope everyones ok xxx
Todays food
25g ready brek (part B)
milk (1/2 A)
salmon salad
salad cream (2)
ryvita (rest of B)
yoghurt (1)
bns chips
ketchup (2)
sw roulade & yoghurt (1)
4 satsumas
Milky coffee (1/2 A)
2 x wm toast (B)
philly (A)
Total syns - 6