...... and I've got a handful of Vickis
popcorn, and I'm about to try and figure out how to work this camera! Wish me luck!
For a minute there I thought it said porn!!?!..
Funnily enough I had my first acrylic extensions today...
... and as for the tattoo..I have always wanted either a butterfly or a little dragon on my arm!
(Think I already had the dragon on my back for many a year..
Sounds like a busy happy day there.
Hi Emmaline!
One of the tattoos I'd like is a little red dragon! Great minds eh?
Sounds like you had a perfect day yesterday
Just the sort of day I like Jane!
Enjoy your new camera now you have the memory card for it!!
Your turning into quite a shopaholic!
Hi Hannah x
Well I'm taking it with me tomorrow but I'm not sure I'll remember how to use it! I need some practice really. So I'm going to take the old camera with me too but the battery has about had it so it doesn't last long.
I'm really getting into shopping now, especially if I can get a bargain in a charity shop etc
Wow what a fun day you had. What are your nails like? My nearest nail bar no longer do acrylics because apparently they are harmful for your nails? Not sure in what way, probably just weakens them, but instead they do shellac which is a pretty cool uv nail paint that lasts a week or two. Anyway what colour did you go for?
Tattoo??? Ooooh!! Where and what? Had you got any already? I'd be too much of a wimp to ever have one done.
Well done on weight loss. Excellent work as ever.
What you up to today? Not long til your big meet up
Have a great day xxx
Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Hellooo Penny!
Spent most of the day food shopping and then getting ready for the big day! Can't believe it's tomorrow!
We're only there for the day, but I have to make sure |I take everything I need...stuff for Bev and Steve, fat jeans, camera x 2 plus batteries, walking boots, walking coat, gloves, money, make up, mobile, emergency undies, chewing gum...you'd think I was going for a week! Sarah's picking me up at 8am so I want to be all ready for her.
My nails seem to be ok atm...although I did manage to smudge one

I'll post a pic from my phone in a minute for you. They were only £20 which I thought was pretty good, and the re-fills are £15.
I've never had a tattoo done

As I said to Emms, I'd quite like a small red dragon tattooed somewhere about my person, but the main one I want is going to be either across my lower back, or up my back or side, depending on how brave I am! I'd like a vibrant flowers design in pinks and green but still haven't found exactly what I want yet. I'm going to try a few tattooists in town next week to see what they have. It may just be a mixture of something I see on the net and what I have in my head lol!
Coooee Dawn, yes I can vouch for shellac/gellish mails. I've got some lovely grey ones now (look better than they sound). It lasts 3 weeks and makes your nails rock hard. Mine were short and flaky breaky before and it's your own nail so it looks, well, like your own nails...
...and a tattoo..? you'll be having your belly button pierced soon. Ah! don't tell me ...
Pomooky XXX
Hi Pomooky! You're like the Scarlet Pimpernel, popping up here and there lol!
If I had a lovely smooth flat belly I'd
love to pierce my belly button! But as it is now, it's definitely best hidden away and not drawing attention to lol!