Evening lovely ladies (and Sarah

Feeling much better today thank you, both physically and mentally.
Yesterday was a difficult day of course, but we were prepared for that, and it went ok. Sadly Andrew couldn't face having dinner with us all in the evening and so went to my mums for a few hours instead. I had intended to stick to plan but of course it all went out of the window after I'd been to see Dad. So a combination of alcohol, cakes and chocolate was consumed...and in impressively generous quantities too. But as I said I'm just going to forget yesterday and I've been fine today
My neck and shoulder continue to be a damn nuisance but the pain is certainly better than it has been for ages. I really hoping it will be completely better by the weekend. If I'm still struggling next week, I'll make an appointment to see the nurse or doctor, I promise Auntie Bev! :hug99:
Gail did really well on her run!!! She shaved 7min 43secs off of her time last year!!! But typical of Gail, she was a little disappointed as she missed her goal time by 9 secs lol! So I'm immensely proud of her, as I'm sure is everyone else!!! :happy096:
I'm quite looking forward to work tomorrow as I'm only doing a couple of hours then I'm picking my old crew mate of 8 years up and we're going on a conflict resolution course! It's only for 3 hours but as it's nearly an hours drive away we won't need to go back into work after it's finished!

Bob was like a brother to me and was a massive support when I was going through my divorce and other very difficult times so it's going to be brilliant to spend the afternoon with him. Also I got a phone call today inviting me to a reunion of people who worked out of one of the old hospitals in Northampton, St Edmunds, and as Bob and I were there every day for years until it closed I'm hoping he'll go with me
Ok must post my food so I can see if I can have a hi fi bar and a drink for supper...!
Red day
porridge (B1)
milk (1/2 A1)
chicken tikka salad
salad cream (2)
crisps (4 1/2)
Ham and egg salad
salad cream (2)
strawberries and yoghurt (2)
hot milk (rest of A1)
hi fi bar (B2)
1 A
2 B's
10 1/2 syns
Still no exercise