Hi guys!
Really sorry I haven't posted for so long.
Basically I got back on plan...but then we came to the Lake District last Saturday and I'm most definitely OFF it again!!!
We've had the most wonderful time, Gwyn, Suki and me, even though it's rained every day except for today! We're staying in our usual cottage in Cockermouth and thankfully the river level has gone down rather than up while we've been here.
We've been out every day despite the miserable weather. We even managed to take Suki on the beach which was hilarious! She absolutely loved it, apart from when she belly flopped into a huge rock pool and had to learn to swim pretty quickly!
Today we took her on the longest walk she's ever done and she did really well. We walked all the way round Buttermere Lake which is about 5 miles, and then rewarded ourselves with a rather nice cream tea

The only problem is that I hurt my knee while running on the beach with Suki and it's still really painful today. I've rested it a bit but there was no way I was going home tomorrow without doing a proper walk, hence the trot out today. Probably a bad idea but I really wanted to go!
As for my food...well it's been pretty dire lol! Pizza, Indian, Chinese, fish n chips, cheese n biscuits, cream teas, Ben & Jerrys cookie dough ice cream...I think that gives you an idea of how my week has been! I feel so very fat and sluggish and think I must have gained around 2st in the past few weeks

At least I can "enjoy" the challenge of getting it all off again!
So tomorrow we come home and I'm supposed to be going for a meal out to celebrate a friends retirement but I think I'll see how the drive home goes before I decide if I'm going. I'm very excited as we're stopping off at Manchester on the way as Gorgeous Gail is cooking dinner for us!! Really can't wait to see her again...its only been a few weeks since I stayed there but it seems like MONTHS ago!
Anyways ... Must go as its time for tea! I'll catch up with you again ASAP xxx