dabhand said:
Hi Dawnie, So sorry to hear about the little blackbird! That's nature though I'm afraid, we had a similar thing happen with Leanne's dog. He's a terrier and
snuffling around in the hedgerow in the garden came out with a baby blackbird. It didn't survive and I felt really bad about it but blackbirds do have this habit
of dicing with death as they make their nests so low to the ground! Glad you've got everything else in order.
Hi Dawnie x
I have to say it really shocked me to think that Suki might have it in her to attack a bird like that. I know it's silly and it's just instinct, but she's just a pup! We've watched her in the garden countless times, trying to sneak up on various birds like a cat, and then getting so excited that she's just run at them and then sat there for ages when they fly away, trying to figure out where they've gone! Never ever imagined she might catch one
Anyway, I'm coming to catch up with you when I've finished on here so see u soon x
Pommette said:
Evening chica - I'm back after a week in the freezing cold (well to me it was) and very wet UK.
Well done on declaring target at 9:10 and getting there. I did wonder whether 9:7 was just a few pound too far!
Give Sarah a hug from me will you - a not nice one of course!
A hug??? For Sarah??? Are you TRYING to put my life in danger Auntie Bev???! Tell u what, I'll try a handshake and see how that goes down! Is that ok?
9:7 was a dream, and I haven't totally given up on it, but it's not something I'm going all out for now. I think you're right, it WAS a step too far, and now I feel if it happens it happens, bit if not then it doesn't really matter. In a year and a half my wardrobe contents have changed from 20's to 8's and 10's, and the colours and styles are totally different! No black baggy jumpers and skirts! But lots of fitted dresses, short skirts and strappy tops! Omg who'd have thought it lol!!! And a couple of weeks ago, when it was boiling hot, I actually went OUT in denim shorts!! Only to B&Q with Gwyn...but it was a big milestone for me! And nobody pointed at me...nobody made fun of me or stared...the world didnt end...I was just another ordinary shopper, dressed for the weather and not standing out in any way...just normal! It was lovely!!!
kneehigh85 said:
This diary is truly brilliant - everything from the title down to the sheer number of emoticons you include in every post! Also your weight loss is super inspirational for a newbie like me. I just started a diary on here yesterday but I didnt go into as much detail as you, sort of wish I had now, it reads excellently!
Well good morning kneehigh85! Cool name btw!!!
What a lovely post! Oh my goodness that's really kind of you to say that! I'm a bit embarrassed now lol!
I think it helps to write things down, no matter how unimportant or uninteresting you think they may be to others. If they matter to you, put them in your diary. It's a bit scary when you first start, but once people start posting on it and you get a nice circle of friends, you won't look back! And you'll wonder how you ever managed without it!
Of course you realise I shall have to come and have a nosy now, don't you?!!! Xxx
ginlin said:
Morning Dawn xx
Congratulations on setting your final target weight, which I totally admire, as we are the same height, but your target weight is a massive 2 stone lower than mine!
Sorry about the blackbird

, Naughty Bertie managed to catch his first bird last week!
Morning Lynne x
Thanks hunni. I don't think it matters what other people the same height as you weigh, just as long as you're happy at your weight and are managing to maintain. We could actually both drop down to 8st something and still technically have a healthy bmi...but i think we'd both look AWFUL lol!!!
And another reason for not pushing too hard to get to 9:7 was my RUBBISH history of maintaining! I couldn't stay at 10:7 a few years ago when I got to it, and went back up to 15:9, so trying to stay a stone less than that was always going to be one hell of a challenge for me

Fingers crossed I can keep this off now x
Right...quick update...I stayed up late last night as the bird was deteriorating fast. I wrapped him in a warm towel and laid him on my lap, and he slipped away. Very sad but also a relief in a way.
It's absolutely pouring down here and has been all night! I can't believe we sat in the garden and had a BBQ yesterday! So I'm not sure what to do today really. Not working till Thursday thank goodness

. I might drag Gwyn to B&Q to look at the new tiles they've just got in as I'm desperate to redo the kitchen! And I NEED to dye my hair too!!!
Catch u later guys xxx