Evening all x
Well all my hopes for a better day at work were shattered within a couple of hours of starting my shift

I'm not going to go on about it yet again on here...I already had a moan earlier, and poor Gwyn got it when I came in from work!
But, I did have the most amazing nsv at work today. I was, as always, really busy, and didn't take much notice of the crew who came in to talk to the Kettering day controller. They were saying about how short staffed we were in the office, and asked what had happened to the other staff. Mike explained that a couple of girls had left, and then they pointed to my desk and asked where the lady was who used to work there. Mike replied that I'd been at that desk for over 5 years and when I turned to look at her, the poor girl almost jumped out of her skin, saying she hadn't recognised me at all!!! It was hilarious! She then went on to quiz me all about SW as she wants to lose a couple of stones! Wow...I can't tell you how thrilled I was!
And so to wi, and my very surprising news is that I lost 3.5lbs tonight!!! :bliss::bliss::bliss:
I'm now officially the lightest I've been for 25 years!

So my sh*t day ended on a real high! And the great thing is I'm not back at work till Thursday now...YAAAAY!!!!
My c has asked me to write my "story" and take some before and after pics in for next week...I'm going to have a think about whether to do that or not. I think she just wants to read it to the class as she did a similar thing with a guy at another class who lost 7 stones.
We had a taster evening tonight so I took in some lentil and spinach dahl and it went down a treat! And it was just so easy to make last night...and all in the microwave too!
I've just made a load of chocolate cup cakes for a Macmillan cancer coffee morning tomorrow that we're going to...and somehow two of them made their way down my gob lol!!! :8855: Well I had to make sure they were ok...
Todays Food EE
Alpen bar crumbled into yoghurt (1/2 A)
soup (3)
velvet crunch (4)
cous cous
lentil and
spinach dahl
tasters of various sw curries
2 choc cup cakes (?????????)
Alpen bar (rest of B)
milky coffee (half A)
Total syns:- ?25?
(Forgot other half of A)