Cheers ladies!
And nice to see you back Spanx! Of course I'll pass on your message to Gail x She's really well but just doesn't get the time to come on here. Not only is she doing all her normal stuff but shes been granted a place in The Great North Run so shes in training for that too! I'm hoping to go see her in March and I KNOW we'll have a great time!
Sorry I haven't been about for a few days. I've had a few things to sort out...namely another fraudulent account being set up in my name. Luckily the company concerned realised that it wasn't a genuine application and refused it, but there are huge repercussions from it. My name and details have been passed to an agency which does the checks on potential customers for various companies. Basically I've been flagged as having been a victim of identity theft and impersonation so I'm high risk, or at least I will be seen as that. So any applications for cards, credit etc made with my address on will be subject to thorough investigation and scrutiny and may well be rejected, even if they're made by me! Pi**ed off doesn't even come close to how I feel! I know they have to be careful but I feel lie I've been blacklisted through no fault of my own. And I wonder if the children will have problems in the future.
Anyway, the other rubbish news is that I put on 1.5lbs on last night. No reason for it really that I can think of. I did have that Indian meal a week ago but it was only ONE meal and the rest have been pretty good. So I'm afraid on the way home from WI I called in the Chinese and got curry and chips! But I've got it out of my system now (I think!) and have had a decent day on plan today.
The snow is pretty bad here and hasn't stopped since last night. I'm so glad Andrew isn't working tonight as the roads are awful! We've even had to get snow chains for the ambulances. And it's no fun being on standby at the hospital overnight when it's minus 10 degrees! The restaurant is shut and most of the hot drinks machines don't work too. So I'm hoping that the snow will have gone by the time he's back to work on Monday.
I'm disappointed too as I'm supposed to be going to a party at Sarah's tonight but I just don't want to risk driving in this weather. So instead I'm in my PJ's watching MasterChef South Africa and then probably we'll find a rugby match to watch.
Today's Food Red Day
SW pancakes (1/2 B1)
Golden syrup (2)
Yoghurt (1/2)
SW pancakes AGAIN! (1/2 B1)
Golden syrup (2)
Yoghurt (1/2)
Chicken salad
Salad cream (2)
Milky coffee (A1)
Hi fi bar (B2)
1 A and 2 B's
7 syns