Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

How is your sunday going Dawn? Bright and cold here. No snow. Yet....
Just spoken to friends on Skype who live in the Lake District - it's snowing there.
What's it doing in Northampton?
sound great going to try love soup at lunch time :)

Ooh I hope u like it!!!

How is your sunday going Dawn? Bright and cold here. No snow. Yet....

Not bad thanks LMS :) Haven't done much today tbh! I love Sundays lol ;)


Just catching up. Did I say well done on your great loss? If not, well done!!
Hope you enjoyed your Indian mm.
Hope you're having a good weekend


Thanks Penny x And the Indian was just lovely but I'm still 3lbs heavier from it lol!

Just spoken to friends on Skype who live in the Lake District - it's snowing there.
What's it doing in Northampton?

Would you believe it's been a beautiful sunny day here Bev! The forecast was for snow but over the weekend but so far we've had nothing other than a bit of frost. I'm hoping that we've missed it altogether now as it causes such problems at work.

So basically today has been quite a nice lazy day :). I did a bit of washing and housework while Gwyn was at church and then settled down with a cuppa and had a lovely chat with the gorgeous Gail on the phone. We do try to text most days and phone once a week and its something I always look forward to. Gail is very well and still very busy as always but I am hoping to go and see her again soon.

This afternoon has mainly been spent laying on the settee watching various rugby matches! Not a bad way to spend it I suppose! And my food has been ok so far. I have to admit to having a real blowout last night and managed to eat practically my own weight in cake and biscuits so hoping to not have a repeat performance tonight!

Red day

All bran (B1)
Milk (1/2 A1)

Scrambled eggs (1)
Tinned toms
Sauce (2)

3 ryvitas (B2)
Philly light (A2)
Velvet crunch crisps (4)
Banana and yoghurt

Milky coffee (rest of A1)
Chewy bar (4 1/2)

11 1/2 syns
2 A's and 2 B's
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Crap day at work so the least said about that the better!

At least my food was good!

Red day

Oats (B1)
Milk (A1)

Salmon salad
Salad cream (2)
Velvet crunch (4)
Yoghurt (1/2)
Alpen bar (1/2 B2)

Pork chop
Cheese (A2)
Choc (2)

Options hot choc (2)
Alpen bar (1/2 B2)

8 1/2 syns
2 A's and 2 B's
Crap day at work so the least said about that the better!

At least my food was good!

((( Hugs ))) chica. Well done on sticking to plan on a totally crap day at work!
Morning Dawn.

Sounds like you are staying on plan most of the time. The odd blib is best forgotten and just keep looking forward.

Have a good day,

mumsie xxx
Hi Dawn, hope you are well. I'm back on the SW wagon after putting 3st on over the last 12 months - doh! Looks like you are still doing really well - so I will be popping in regularly to get some inspiration!

I notice that you still chat to Gail, send her my love when you speak to her, I'd seen that mt SW twin wasn't around any more :(
Cheers ladies!

And nice to see you back Spanx! Of course I'll pass on your message to Gail x She's really well but just doesn't get the time to come on here. Not only is she doing all her normal stuff but shes been granted a place in The Great North Run so shes in training for that too! I'm hoping to go see her in March and I KNOW we'll have a great time!

Sorry I haven't been about for a few days. I've had a few things to sort out...namely another fraudulent account being set up in my name. Luckily the company concerned realised that it wasn't a genuine application and refused it, but there are huge repercussions from it. My name and details have been passed to an agency which does the checks on potential customers for various companies. Basically I've been flagged as having been a victim of identity theft and impersonation so I'm high risk, or at least I will be seen as that. So any applications for cards, credit etc made with my address on will be subject to thorough investigation and scrutiny and may well be rejected, even if they're made by me! Pi**ed off doesn't even come close to how I feel! I know they have to be careful but I feel lie I've been blacklisted through no fault of my own. And I wonder if the children will have problems in the future.

Anyway, the other rubbish news is that I put on 1.5lbs on last night. No reason for it really that I can think of. I did have that Indian meal a week ago but it was only ONE meal and the rest have been pretty good. So I'm afraid on the way home from WI I called in the Chinese and got curry and chips! But I've got it out of my system now (I think!) and have had a decent day on plan today.

The snow is pretty bad here and hasn't stopped since last night. I'm so glad Andrew isn't working tonight as the roads are awful! We've even had to get snow chains for the ambulances. And it's no fun being on standby at the hospital overnight when it's minus 10 degrees! The restaurant is shut and most of the hot drinks machines don't work too. So I'm hoping that the snow will have gone by the time he's back to work on Monday.

I'm disappointed too as I'm supposed to be going to a party at Sarah's tonight but I just don't want to risk driving in this weather. So instead I'm in my PJ's watching MasterChef South Africa and then probably we'll find a rugby match to watch.

Today's Food Red Day

SW pancakes (1/2 B1)
Golden syrup (2)
Yoghurt (1/2)

SW pancakes AGAIN! (1/2 B1)
Golden syrup (2)
Yoghurt (1/2)

Chicken salad
Salad cream (2)

Milky coffee (A1)
Hi fi bar (B2)

1 A and 2 B's
7 syns




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Bless Suki! Such a cute photo.

Sorry you didn't make it to Sarah's - but it would appear that quite a few others didn't either. Including me !!!!
My flight to Northampton aerodrome got cancelled. :8855:

Sorry about the gain - and total bummer about the fraudulent account. Must investigate that nothing like this has happened to mum. Hmmmmmm how the heck do I find out say she.
Thanks Bev x

Still loads of snow on the ground this morning but at least it isn't actually snowing.

The problem we have here is that there's only one road in and out of our estate and its up a hill to a roundabout. It's never gritted and there are abandoned cars from various failed attempts to get out! We used to be able to use another road but the council in their wisdom dug a big pit so only buses can use it! Well 4x4's and vans can also get through but normal cars like mine don't stand a chance, so we're stranded! Hopefully it'll be better by tomorrow as we need to take mum shopping.

Right I'm getting up now to make my breakfast...more pancakes! Yummy!! Xx
Well you've got a big car lol!!!

Hang on...

You could've picked me up!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Hmmmmm...didn't think of that :(

Can I come to the next one then???
Sorry to hear about the scum that tried to steal your identity! I once had a grand stolen out of my account and spent a week panicking and changing online passwords galore and talking to the bank's fraud team. Actual nightmare. There are some horrid people out there.

There's loads of Rugby on the telly today, Heineken cup and the Amlin cup. I'm waiting to hear if my match tomorrow is cancelled - haven't decided if I'll be relieved or gutted just yet!

How do you make your pancakes? They're a breakfast fav of mine. I had an omlette this morning with loads of SF food because I read a thread last night that made me relaise I wasn't eating enough of them!!

x Becca
Of course.
You just have to be able to get here.

Of course, you could have come last night, and stayed with Uncle Pubes...
Of course.
You just have to be able to get here.

Of course, you could have come last night, and stayed with Uncle Pubes...

Sarah!!!! I'll have you know he's a very nice man lol!!! ;)
Becca the pancakes couldn't be easier to make.

Just add 35g (hexB) to a muller yoghurt and leave in the fridge over night to thicken. Whisk 3 eggs and add the thickened yoghurt mixture to it. Stir well. Spray a pan with fry light and cook the pancakes for a few minutes on each side. I find it best to do small ones as they tend to be a bit delicate. Serve with anything you fancy! I like a dollop of Total 0% yoghurt with some sweetener and options white hot choc mixed in, and loads of fruit of course!